As for the temperature for these plants should be above 10 ° C, since it is a plant that occurs in desert areas and hot places. If the temperature is too low, the plant could be damaged because it is not tolerant to cold, nor tolerate excessive humidity which requires dry climates.
At home you can have them in terracotta pots, they are more preferable than any other material. When the plant is filled around with its suckers it is advisable to divide them for a greater growth of the mother plant.
During the winter this plant can enter in a latency state, you do not have to water them much.
The leaves can be collected every 6 months, these species have been cultivated since ancient times for medicinal use.
The Aloe vera gel must be obtained correctly and from there the acíbar or latex is separated from the gel.
Aloe Acíbar: consists of a yellow and bitter liquid that is found under the aloe stalks. This liquid is obtained by letting flow from the leaves cut transversely and thus depositing it in a container.
This liquid is very rich in anthraquinones (25-40%), such as Aloin A, aloesin, aloemodin and barbaloin. They are stimulants of stomach and digestive secretions, laxatives or purgatives.
Aloe Gel: It is a transparent colored pulp mainly composed of water, enzymes, minerals and abundant polysaccharides that gel it.

Its uses:
For the face and skin: They stimulate the production of collagen, softening the skin and reducing wrinkles.
For hair: Hair products are used, such as gels and masks.
To heal wounds: They can be effective in curing first and second degree burns and skin conditions.
As a dietary supplement: Including aloe in the diet reduces the levels of glucose and fats in the blood.
As a laxative: A small dose may be beneficial to relieve constipation.
In the Ancient Age, aloe was already used in Egypt, Greece, China and India as a medicinal herb; It was mainly applied to the skin to facilitate the healing of wounds. It is also said that Cleopatra and Nefertiti used this plant as a cosmetic.
Well friends I hope you have liked and your help, this is a contribution to the community @farms and @steemchurch, greetings and thanks for visiting my post.