Gourmet Granola - Baking Secrets

in granola •  2 years ago 


So what does make a truly great granola? For sure, it's the flavour. And how does one get a full-bodied gourmet flavour from granola? Of primary importance in the process is how it is baked. You will want to bake your granola in a medium to slow oven buy granola. For purposes of clarification, a medium oven is 350 degrees F while a slow oven would be 250 to 300 degrees. Personally I bake at 350, however this takes constant vigilance so the granola does not burn. 30 minutes of total bake time with stirring at 10 minute intervals will ensure even browning. If using a slower oven, then the stirring intervals may be stretched out along with the total bake time as well.

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