A few years ago...
I suffered from full-on burnout & had to let all my graphic design clients go.
I got totally OVERWHELMED with work...
And my physical & mental health took such a beating, that I had to stop entirely.
I had a list of tasks which grew longer every day.
I couldn't make my clients happy, no matter what I did/said.
The non-stop "requests" & scope creep were literally killing me & my business...
...And... I saw no way OUT.
However... if I could... here are 3 things I would tell that poor soul today:
➡️ Breathe... Go for a walk/run... Snuggle with a pet... and then... Hug a loved one
➡️ Realize that it is... in fact... NOT the end of the world (Turn on the news or visit a homeless shelter to see what a hard life looks like.)
➡️ LEARN TO WORK SMARTER (Not Harder!) in your business
Whilst that experience was terrible (and terrifying) to live through...
It was the "kick in the pants" I needed to figure out HOW to work "smarter" versus "harder".
(I also started earning more, because I created processes which allowed me to take on more clients without sacrificing more of my time.)
Getting OVERWHELMED & feeling OVERWORKED in a graphic design business...
...happens more often than one would think.
(And that should absolutely not be the case!)
Once I put systems in place...
Learned what tasks & what numbers I should be focused on...
And how to properly hire & train a team...
It was a pleasure doing business again!
(Plus... I was making exponentially more!)
I was only doing what I was good at and what I enjoyed doing.