Thank You Steem!
I read this gratitude challenge / appreciation thing I don’t know what is call that was started by @theycallmedan and though well here is an reason to do a post! I’m always looking for ideas to do posts, since I suck at trying to post daily and have not blogger material in me, I try really hard no to do shit posts but most of my post are shitty so… when I find a good reason to do a post I get excited!
Ok Let’s Focus!

I tend to ramble a lot and talk about all sort of things before I get to the point of the post and for that I am sorry but hey you choose to read my post so I guess is your fault not to choose a better post 😆
This post is about why I am grateful to Steem, and well I don’t know if you know but, I am from Venezuela, so is safe to say im very very grateful!!
I started on steem months after I graduated from Law School, and as you may know finding a job after graduating is the most annoying thing ever, all the jobs opening were looking for lawyers that have 100 years of experience but are 20 years old, and even tho I can do freelance jobs as a lawyer (paper work, legal documentation) I lack the experience to do the actual go to court kind of job, and well since I live in a country where our economy is below the surface of the earth, I cant allow myself to just live off my savings for too long, enter Steem and Steemit at first like almost everybody the whole **get pay for posting thing was the thing that got me started, and like everybody at the end of the first 7 days I was met with 0 payouts but hey I started looking and learning and got to know the community that is the true force and the true treasure behind Steem.
Right by this same time I got pregnant, (I tell you Steem is dangerous if you are trying to avoid getting pregnant then be careful while steeming) literally like a week or 2 after I got into Steem (we could advertise Steem as a Fertility helper just a though…) and was excited and terrified as hell, I was looking for the kid but I didn’t think it would happen so soon after starting looking for him, and the whole not having a job was scary, but…
Here Is Where My Appreciation of Steem Comes In!
And you may think well she is grateful for the money she has gotten out of it, and well yes I am! (more on that later on) but to tell you the true I am more grateful to Steem and to the community of Steem for being the safe place I had while I was pregnant, you’ll see I was a mess those first few months the pregnancy hit me hard, I didn’t had any energy to do anything like I didn’t wanted to get out of bed even, I couldn’t eat without feeling sick, I was away from my home and my mom and even tho I do was living with my BF he had a job that required him to be away for 7 days every other week, so I was all alone in a house I just moved in and away from my family and friends while being all hormonal and feeling so down physical and emotionally.
All I had was this place, even tho I didn’t post much during that time ( really I didn’t had the energy to even make a post pregnancy for me was the worst) I could come here and read and learn a lot about the blockchain and the crypto world, got to know some pretty awesome people and became part of the most amazing community MSP/PALNet that became my virtual house.
I started spending 24/7 on their discord server so much so I was even asked to become part of the moderator’s team I couldn’t believe it I was so happy!!! And then I became a curator, and was able to give back to the community (the Hispanic community is my main focus) a little bit of what I have received.
So, I’m really grateful for Steem and t=for the community! is the best part of this blockchain!
Yes, I am also grateful for the financial part of Steem

Like I said I live in Venezuela, and I when I started here I had just graduated and got pregnant and was out of a steady job, and well if you have time in Steem you may found out by now that if you are really active in the community and do networking and really make yourself known and your post interesting enough for people to read, you will start getting the much seek rewards in your posts, I mean you will probably will not get rich by it, (unless Steem Moons and then LAMBOS FOR EVERYBODY!!!!) but I did started getting bigger upvotes worth more than 0.00000001 stu 😆 and even got a 120$ worth post (back in the good old days of SBD = 8$) it was a meme, an original and really not funny meme made by me that to this day I still don’t get why it got that many upvotes.
With that money I manage to get me some new clothes and even did some investment in our house, we redo the floor and added a bedroom to it (the 120$ was only part of the money we use to finish all that but hey it helps a lot!).

The rewards for the post are usually use by me to buy food, I was even able to pay for my c-section with money I made from Steem (and a generous donation by an awesome friend! I met here!!) I had bought clothes and medicine for my child, and recently was able to buy 2 phones one for me and one for my bf (since we didn’t have phones). It hasn’t been easy and somedays I don’t make enough to actually buy anything but I had bought a lot with my rewards from Steem and for that I AM GRATEFUL!
But then again, I wouldn’t be getting any of those rewards if it wasn’t for the community so… it circles back always to thanking the community!
So, What Now?
Well back when I was starting I was chatting in the general chat of PALNet’s discord server about how much I missed drinking a coup of coffee since it was so expensive to buy one here, and the always lovely @juliaksponford send me enough SBD to buy me coffee (and a lot of other food stuff)
I was so shocked by her generosity but felt wrong accepting the money since there are people here that may need that money more than me specially for more important things than coffee, but she told me to take it and that some day I may be able to return the favor to someone else.
At the time I didn’t though it was possible for me to actually be in a position of helping others on Steem, and even tho I’m still a plankton on the STEEM part of the blockchain, I’m kind of a whale in several tribes (palnet, creative coin and Leo) so I am in a position to actually help people now! I can do delegations (in pal coin) and curation, I can also support great contest run from awesome people and I’m sometimes able to send some tokens to people I know are in need! That makes me so happy you have not idea!
Giving Back to The Blockchain
One way to actually help the blockchain that has giving me so much is to actually not sell every single coin I get from my rewards, and I wasn’t able to this before, since Steem for me is my main job (I’m a stay at home mom to a 10 months old) it was my main source of income, it was hard for me not to actually sell every STEEM/SBD I got, but like I said before, I am now a whale in several tribes, and this means I get awesome rewards in those tribes! So, this allows me to have a bigger income than before, and in order to actually grow in the Steem blockchain and help even if is just a little bit, I will be doing 100% sp all my STEEM/SBD rewards from my post from now on, I can’t believe I can actually do this now! I always saw people do 100% sp on their post and think wow I wish I could that way my sp will be bigger and I will be able to be more than just a plankton, well finally I can!

Since setting my post rewards to 100% sp doesn’t affect my rewards on the tribes, I will be able to have enough income to buy food and to grow my native SP on Steem.
dances around of joy!
Do you have anything you are grateful and appreciate Steem for? Make a post and let me know about it!
P.D.: this is my first neoxian post! =O i know im so late to post in this tribe but i wanted to make a good post as my first post to neoxian and well i think this is good enough post for it!
As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!
Picture Credit: All images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with!
I’m currently an active curator for @minnowsupport and @helpie, and even though I focus on post in Spanish (cause duh!) if you know of any good post that deserves to be curated or any good author that I need to be on the lookout for 🔎📌 (doesn’t matter the language) let me know in the comments!
Actualmente soy curadora activa para @minnowsupport y @helpie, e incluso aunque me centre en publicaciones en español (¡porque obvio!) ¡Si conoces alguna publicación buena que merezca ser curada o cualquier buen autor del que deba estar pendiente 🔎📌 en cualquier idioma, házmelo saber en los comentarios!
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