Hello Friends...
"Every day is gratitude day". This is the slogan with which @tojukaka began the challenge #gratitudeday and that consists in making a thank-you post for 62 continuous days. Is this a difficult challenge? Absolutely NOT. Quite the opposite. It is so simple to look up and see the beautiful blue sky, feel the warmth of the sun, or the coolness of the rain, see the smile and innocence of children, and above all this, breathe deeply and say ... " Thank you Lord for your wonders".
- For the achievements of this week;
- For the activities I could do;
- For the problems that occurred in my environment and for the solution to each one of them;
- For the provision that God has given to my family;
- For the camaraderie and friendship that I have been able to develop in my place of work;
- For my family
- For the day that is Friday and I can rest from the routine of work;
- For the weekend I can enjoy with my family and because I can share with my brothers in the church.