Hey guys, @oghie here.
Today being the 1st of July 2018, it wouldn't be fair i should just being the new month without appreciating the last one. The month of June was a good and a badddd month, i don't know about other countries but here in Nigeria June wasn't fair to us. So many lives lost, so much killings, police harassment, political crises, stealing, kidnapping and every other bad things you could think of. The month of June was really a disastrous month. With a sincere heart am grateful for my life and that of my siblings and my friends out there, not any one of them lost their lives or were injured. Am not better than any of them it's just his grace that has kept me, once again am grateful for life.
What is gratitude day
Gratitudeday is all about being thankful for the things that are happening in your life. A lot of us go through life taking things for granted. The goal is to challenge you to make a blog post about something you are grateful for. It could be big or small. It doesn't matter. Little things matter. I'll be doing this for 62 days (62 is not a random number). It's not an endurance game, you can join in anytime you want and opt out anytime you want.