Greatest Quotes #41: Jalaluddin Rumi

in greatestquotes •  7 years ago 


نی من منم و نی تو توئی نی تو منی
هم من منم و هم تو توئی هم تو منی
من با تو چنانم ای نگار ختنی
کاندر غلطم که من توام یا تو منی

Jalaluddin Rumi


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All religions. All this singing. One song. Peace be with you.

The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.

You attain to knowledge by argument;
You attain a craft or skill by practice;
If voluntary poverty's your choice,
companionship's the way, not hand or tongue.
The knowledge of it passes soul to soul,
not by way of talk or reams of notes.
Its signs are writ upon the seeker's heart,
yet still the seeker cannot ken those signs
until his heart becomes exposed to light
Then God reveals His: Did We not expose? [Qur'an 94:1]
for We've exposed the chambers of your breast
and placed the exposition in your heart.

Hanya hati yang berdarah-darah sajalah yang mampu melihat cahayaNya.

All day I think about it, then at night I say it.
Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that,
and I intend to end up there.

إن أنواع العشق التى تكون من أجل اللون، لا تكون عشقا، بل عاقبتها العار.

If I could repeat it,
people passing by would be enlightened and go free.

If you can’t smell the fragrance don’t come into the garden of Love. If you’re unwilling to undress don’t enter into the stream of Truth. Stay where you are. Don’t come our way.

العشاق الذين يموتون على وعى
يموتون أمام المعشوق ومأنهم السكر.

أيتها الطيور، وأنتم الآن منفصلون عن أقفاصكم
أظهروا وجوهكم وقولوا: أين نبتم
ويا من ولدتم عندما وصلتم إلى الموت
هذا هو الميلاد الثانى، ألا فلتولدوا فلتولدوا