The Great Pyramid Of Giza Surprises Us Again With A Newly Discovered Hidden "Void"! Astounding!

in greatpyramid •  7 years ago  (edited)

A new "hidden void" has been discovered inside the most enigmatic building in the world and the last of the ancient seven wonders.

Again and again the Great Pyramid at Giza leaves us with more questions than answers...

Traditional egyptology seems dated and limited in it's scope. This new discovery has the chance to shake our knowledge to its foundations.

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Enter The Void

There has been a new "void" discovered in the Great Pyramid which scientists are avoiding calling a room or chamber. This is the first discovery of a space in the Great Pyramid since the 1800s.

Now using new muon radiation technology scientists have announced to the world a new void discovered inside our most enigmatic of structures. The results were published in the journal Nature.

The dimensions of the void are similar to the pyramid’s Grand Gallery which is 153 feet long and 26 feet tall. Scientists say that they don't yet know if the void is horizontal or inclined. It is also unclear if the void is a single space or several. The first results of this fascinating study produced the first results in March 2016.

This "impressive"void has not been included nor fits any current theory about the Great Pyramid. As the void aligns with the Great Pyramid's upper chambers there may be a technical aspect to its use and I look forward to reading technical theories which can be based on an additional void in the Pyramid.

No known corridors connect the space.

I know we are all burning with the desire to know what is in there and what it is for!

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Muon Radiography

The new discovery is based on Muon Radiography and comes out of the ScanPyramids project which is an international mission under the authority of Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities. The project aims to non-invasively look inside Egypt’s largest pyramids using various technologies including Muon Radiography.

This involves watching subatomic particles called muons which constantly "drizzle" through us. Showering the earth and passing through everything muons are being used to look through other ancient sites such as the Mayan Pyramids and Volcanos.

Scientists are able to measure the movements of muons to give indications of what is inside a structure. It takes time to gather information but these results at the Great Pyramid have been recreated by several teams now, making them look very conclusive.

It must be said that some commentators are now saying the results could be a hoax. Perhaps there is more to discover and analyze here! 😉

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Traditional Egyptology Seems Illogical Today

Egyptology often seems illogical and creates it's own cyclical conclusions for itself. Given the advanced studies of Egyptian structures that have now been undertaken across various sciences such as:

  • Geology
  • Maschine Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Astrology
  • Construction

Egyptology is starting to look dated and devoid of reason. I do not wish to belabor the point here but for any of you who are interested you can read Fingerprints Of The Gods and Magicians Of The Gods both by Graham Hancock.

Or you can watch this fascinating video which sadly is not on DTube:

With fascinating new theories around the Great Pyramid based on other sciences this is an awesome development. Some think that the Pyramid may have been a giant power plant.

Perhaps we will find an entrance to the void now we know it is there. There is a further void beneath the paw of the Sphinx and perhaps muon radiography can shed some light on that too!

Lets see!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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I always wonder what those huge structures are for, dont know why but it seems so illogical to build such mega structures. Al the things learned at school or other media doesn't seem logical to me either haha but what do I know hahaha

I wish they would stop emptying out the rooms when they discover them. It would be so nice to peek into a space with all the original statuary, mummies and original items, instead of the bare rooms we see now.

King Tut's antechamber as it originally looked:
