This is the situation in hospitals in 2018

in greek-trail •  7 years ago 


Yesterday unexpectedly my father entered the hospital..

when we arrived..and because it was an emergency..we were waiting for 4 hours..

The most of the people was waiting in a queue.

Αlthough there is numbering..there was this situation..

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ελπιζω να πανε ολα καλα με τον πατερα σου

Μακάρι να πάνε.. θα ξέρουμε σε λίγες μέρες… ευχαριστώ πολύ

It is very pathetic to waiting.
Waiting is hardness then all kind of toughest moment

yes you are right! :)

Περαστικά στον πατέρα σου.

Ευχαριστώ πολύ Ηλία

Αυτό το σκηνικό το έζησα πριν 2 εβδομάδες και έχω και συνέχεια οπότε σε καταλαβαίνω.

Ευχαριστώ πολύ!!

My friend, I hope to hear soon that your agony and stress is over and your father back where he wants to be, with his family.