Green House Radio Online - Today On The Menu!

in greenhouseradio •  5 years ago 

First of all: Good Day To All You Awesome Supporters! And thank you for listening to our shows on GREEN HOUSE RADIO ONLINE located in Canna-Curate!

The Menu on GHRO for THURSDAY


The Weekly Roll Up

"Sit back, grind up some herb for this news show" hosted by @mraggaj at 6pm PDT / 9pm EDT / (Friday 1am UTC / 10am JST)

and just after that...

The Jon & Blunt Show

hosted by @jonyoudyer and @bluntsmasha at 7pm PDT / 10pm EDT / (Friday 2am UTC / 11am JST)


2fer 2sDay

"An awesome mix of music interlaced with great conversation about cannabis, news and more..." hosted by @queenofsmoke 11am PDT / 2pm EDT / 6pm UTC / Monday 3am JST)



Fried Radio

"Fried Radio is where eggs are on discussion and then scrambled, every Friday night."
hosted by our friend and Steem Witness @hashkings at 5:30pm PDT / 8:30pm EDT / (Saturday 0:30am UTC / 9:30 JST)


Roach Sunday

"Another awesome mix of music interlaced with great conversation about cannabis, news and more..." hosted by @queenofsmoke 11am PDT / 2pm EDT / 6pm UTC / (Monday 3am JST) On Sundays with the Witness Forum, it's just after..!

Earfood Radio Eclectic

Groove with THE DUDE and his often time cosmic mix of music that guides us as we rotate around the sun. hosted by @mondoshawan sometimes 25/7 universal times.

Coming Soon

Steem Witness Forum

The next gathering to talk about our future on steem is planned for in eleven days on Sunday the 24th May. We invite any and all who are ready to find solutions to the issues we are experiencing and to make a brighter future for all those who use steem as blog...

Thanks for being awesome! Thanks for your support! And thanks for listening to the Green House Radio Online!

Stay tuned 😎 and have an excellent time! CU around over at Canna-Curate!

A special "Thank You" to @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for helping spread our effort to so many. It has been very encouraging to see all the positive reply.

Respect & Grooviness

Your GHRO Team

@fracasgrimm & @mondoshawan
#ComeGrowWithGHRO #SteemOn

Inbetween the Shows have Some Earfood


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♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫ 😎 ♫

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