RE: Why Right Now is a good time to get into Gridcoin

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Why Right Now is a good time to get into Gridcoin

in gridcoin •  7 years ago 

Where is GRC selling for $0.10+? Everything I've looked at puts it around $0.04-0.05.

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It sold at that sort of price over the inflated Xmas period. I started buying back in Oct 17. In my view, it has always been a ~5pence (GBP pence, so ~ 7cents) coin at the moment. It's a real bargain down where it is right now. I've just doubled up on MANY coins, but especially GRC due to staking.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I wrote that somewhat unclear didn't I. Sorry. I meant it rose to .20, dropped to .10 and held there, and then when our forking problem sprung up, it dropped further. 0.04 yesterday I think.