Gridcoin users: check your block hashes -> we just lost 36% net weight in 1h

in gridcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)
  • situation
  • verify your block hashes

If you want quick help: 

  • come to IRC channel gridcoin-social (via browser, more info here):

and use e.g. fedi's command: !diff

I. situation:

II. Please verify your block hashes below, so we stay together!

                   (e.g. type in your wallet's debug menu: getblockhash 1023948)

  • When your hash doesn't match:  
    • try a restart of the client (see here why).
    • If that did not help: come first to IRC and we'll guide you (e.g. let you do a reorganize, this will likely take less time than doing a blockchain rebuild)
    • You could also try from the Gridcoin menu:  Advanced » Rebuild Block Chain  (you can also apply the snapshot/bootstrap and make also a !backup of your important files first)
  • ...
  • 1023948 - 82692c0910d8100030e0446fca3d2ce2a2a74dd8b01a67b7577cc01ece7678ea
  • 1023605 - c1d7619d0d02ec8e160d0639611127bbbf15d47805793c1d9be04d6cdbed7a3f
  • 1021477 - 0aa4759b4c20c4387c699272a516abc82a4ed7e403dadd2ea29b1d97fb1abb3d
  • 1020843 - 93e37335061aa31cb23e67524b92ba1cb6f4dcbcc524a332d8cf9394384477d9
  • 1019573 - 2186f40c9083b8607ac418a4db623c330bd09c6b94122f655422265f1c43f1b5
  • 1018591 - 111055c6c0daaf83495a0a118a6ee10cb0012c4dc9d0bd9a047f205134cd1700 (net weight: 8.3 million, difficulty: 1.56)
  • 1018285 - 0f36beb66e9032d17cd2e8c18b4abf669dac63b54be1d71c9c09b334ebdce4fe
  • 1018092 - a5813d32a5e73497813d0e3db7272b1cb42b94c831b4ea4cf2c5c25aca883bab
  • 1017993 - 5540cf77b3c77069121d563b9ab27036db067c460bd4109831d7a4e87913a4d8
  • 1017951 - b069bc9b1e800dd0a32d4e68f90ed4fa71ea0cba462fcac8b6c930cfb1903af7
  • 1017896 - a57aa7aaf99c55eb91ec9c840ea1509f6b9d0f43073cae716047a224757a5168
  • 1017880 - a0124642688975cb449435c39552ebffeebbc1632c7f57bc3e7aebe57f74c70b (net weight: 4.59 million, difficulty: 0.379)
  • 1017861 - 70743784e831df6a580f602fb2aaeb374fc0d6519b95a18348fa921a06448ca2
  • 1017850 - 4c0e86be34495392fa2b8f7f3de29ce793d56b7a34f61865672533458ada1e73 (net weight: 4.7 million, difficulty: 0.56)
  • 1017845 - efa731d3ff738a857b9ac322f994d0c39cde07c59f2c73653044bae1f673dd02 (net weight: 5.1 million, difficulty: 1.1)
  • 1017836 - c6218d3b0b8272fb0841a0b8cec8d165950d77bf2bdf624ce2a1bbf1ef1967ff
  • 1017828 - d01b95d05c91ce8e065ed6ac3a2bef375667b0611a306ae72a37cf7aae9462b9 (net weight 4.82 million, difficulty: 0.5)
  • 1017823 - f5efe84b69b50e366866606d492735d3a110171280000b4455f57684d4f28124
  • 1017818 - ed3e5d861cab6a306a573c27db3f0784330cebebd2aac77f57a403de9bb632de
  • 1017815 - 4.88 mio net weight, 0.7 difficulty
  • 1017810 - 076851a1ce9b868caca00cf3d28a2b8223d3b574588f5456c6434bb26f75d24e
  • 1017802 - 5.2 mio net weight, 0.44 diff
  • 1017800 - 5.5 mio net weight, 0.68 diff
  • 1017796 - 4a7f476e4aef580eeedee063e965b07024aade134c1badc8e569cb083dcd3bfc (net weight: 5.77 million, difficulty: 0.94)
  • past hashes to be found here

most uptodate in IRC!

  • read in #10 how to check your hash, general info on forks, etc..

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It would appear that the Windows wallet (at the very least) is failing to pick up that it is on a fork. I have been on both the major forks over the last week. On the first fork, net weight dropped to 0.001 and the wallet was still ticking along staking POS like everything was fine. I rebooted it to fix the problem.

After seeing your post I checked my wallet and I see a net weight of 0.091, with the wallet still ticking along happily. I will reboot again.

In the past, the wallet used to pick up on this automatically and return back to the main chain.

I observed a similar behavior. The windows seems to stick to a fork a very long time. A reboot usually does fix this issue. I do not know if this is related to the issue of the low net weight.

I do not know if this is related to the issue of the low net weight.

Interesting thought. Maybe the weight check was removed or something to accommodate for the vastly lowered weight? I would like to see @tomasbrod chip in on this one, he may have some idea of the possible cause.

The wallet will automatically reorganize on the stronger chain after just two blocks if it knows about it and no bad block is found there. But due to way the block Accept code is bugged, blocks received from other (right) chain are often dropped.

That makes a lot of sense. Is this patched in the latest leisure build?

No, unfortunately it is not. It is very hard to do, given the state of the code-base.

If it interests you or any other dev, I think all of us who have looked at the code base would be more than happy to see you bill hours to clean it up further. Even just sensible variable names would make a world of difference.

Agreed. I already started a work on the rewrite and cleanup on separate branch, but it is a very much work in progress. And I don't think I can continue with my school work load, ppl can join :)

hi guys, i had the same problem and a restart didnt do the job for me. i can just underline that obviously the windows wallet does not return automatically or i just was not patient enough. :) Had to reorg the blockchain to a block before the fork happend...
We are having kinda fork issues nowadays or am i wrong ?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We are having worse fork issues - definitely. I doubt the number of forks has changed, but due to the Windows wallet not registering when it is on a fork we are getting much longer forked chains. My wallet has again been on a fork most of the night.

I wonder if people are having a similar experience with the Linux build, or if that still reliably recovers from forks.

I would like to notify you that current network weight is little above 1 million.
But let me repeat that again. The network weight calculation is broken and means nothing. Much more important is difficulty, which is, sadly, still very low.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm on linux, hash for 1018092 is the same as above, so it seems my daemon is doing ok...

P.S. Which value do you refer to as 'net weight'? Is it 'netstakeweight'? What net weight values should I expect? There is still so many terms I don't understand...

The net weight can be read off the Overview tab in your wallet, here:

It is currently over ten times lower than prior to V8, which is primarily due to miner magnitude no longer contributing to the net weight.

It is better to keep an eye on difficulty than on the net weight. You should currently expect a difficulty between 1 and 3 if you are not on a fork.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks, I'm on linux and only have a daemon and I can only interact via terminal. I think there is a QT GUI client for linux but I'm not sure whether it is messing during installation with a wallet or is it just a GUI safe to install on top of a daemon.

my "netstakeweight" : 8257384
might be what win client displays as 'Net Weight'

My output for difficulty is:

"difficulty" : {
"proof-of-work" : 8.23948943,
"proof-of-research" : 1.30202849,
"proof-of-stake" : 1.30202849,
"search-interval" : 8000,
"last-search-interval" : 1505104416

Oh, now I've noticed
proof-of-research = proof-of-stake
... a bit strange.

Hash for block 1018591 still the same as in the OP.

GridcoinIRC Gridcoin IRC tweeted @ 10 Sep 2017 - 07:11 UTC

falling more: 5.97 million net weight, 0.55 difficulty, block #1017791 -> we lost 24% net weight in 29 mins :-( #Gridcoin

GridcoinIRC Gridcoin IRC tweeted @ 10 Sep 2017 - 07:23 UTC

31% drop in net weight in 41 mins, #Gridcoin

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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