Microgrid is my project, designed for distributed calculations in browser. Uses JavaScript for calculations and Gridcoin for rewards (but you also leave them in project, as your score points).
Current results for twin primes project
- Biggest pair found is 153440153057 and 153440153059 (that pair is really exists)
- Total twin primes found: 329189946 pairs
Users count
Total registered users count.
Active users
Users, who return completed workunit in last hour.
Total workunits
Workunits are generated automatically, when no uncompleted workunits are present.
Completed workunits
Workunit is marked as completed when two or more users report workunit results.
- Microgrid now has own domain, https://microgrid.arikado.ru/
- Old links also usable: https://netbook.arikado.ru/microgrid/
- About twin primes
- Sources https://github.com/sau412/microgrid