I think we can say this about the entire human race - being stupid as a collective that is. We do it to ourselves as individuals and as part of different groups of various sizes, through a combination of innate given characteristics that get combined with our entry point into existence regarding the time, place and circumstances we’re born into while having no say in the matter.
Many of the beliefs we hold and actions we take were predetermined in the sense that we are literally programmed by our social instincts to belong to, and be accepted by, a larger group or groups - which could mean people that don’t think for themselves will join a fascist movement if it’s the biggest and most popular thing going. That’s basically what politics is, immoral and unethical or otherwise, where people join and identify with a larger group in an effort to consolidate and wield power. In the modern era the public is being steered by propaganda more than ever due to modern “communication” technologies and manipulation techniques. Many today have no idea concerning the true level of corruption and treachery they’re condoning and enabling by supporting either US political party.
For some strange reason it’s unethical people in power most of the time. I would say Kennedy and Carter were the most ethical in my lifetime but the reality of politics and pressures involved means their records aren’t near perfect; while all the rest seemed much more willfully corrupt. Ford’s biggest offense was pardoning Nixon and telling us politicians were above the law while the democrats willingly embraced and thereby unified the two most visible parts of our corrupt US government as they protected each other from accountability.
If some group is new to power after overthrowing a corrupt power structure, just give the newbies some time and, regardless of their original good intentions, humans will begin corrupting the new system.