Healing for targeted individuals and psycological warfare, lightworkers selfrealized yogi'n's(yogi's), sentient beings_-

in groups •  2 years ago 

The oneness of all is the source of all emanations , the most high supreme, quontum absolute truth
, sri krisna, Expressed as bhraman, paramatma, bhagavan/,, krisna and krisnas devotees of krisnas spiritual light , krisns consciousness are bhagavan
God ,(krisna), is , parabhramman but GOD IS ALSO BHRA/MANN
God(krisnna) is bhagavan, but God is parabhRAMAN
THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GOODHEAD, SRI KRISNA, who incarnates on the causual ocean as karandakasayi visnu , gharbadakasayi visnu, ksriadakasay/ visnu

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