The Benefits of HGH for Bodybuilding

in growth •  4 years ago  (edited)


During the 1970s, the pursuit of bodybuilding and strongmen competitions saw a massive increase in popularity around the world, mainly because of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The seven-time Mr. Olympia champion was the epitome of manliness, and men headed to the gym dreaming of attaining his impressive chiseled and muscular physique.

The human body, however, can only go so far. Some individuals are blessed genetically and are able to see excellent gains without the need for PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs). Nevertheless, many of these types of substances became commonplace for those wanting to break past their body's natural limits.

In my investigation into the subject of human growth hormone (HGH) and bodybuilding, I discovered that it’s a controversial topic with many differing viewpoints as to whether the derived benefits justify the risks that are associated with its non-medical use. While there are inherent downsides, some research clearly indicates positive benefits from its use.

This purpose of this article is to reveal what I've learned so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not you should venture using growth hormone. Because of the adverse side effects that performance-enhancing drugs can cause, it is highly recommended that you speak to a doctor prior to using HGH.

The Rise of Bodybuilding and PEDs

I should state first and foremost that I do not encourage the use of any PEDs — I am only providing information. Except for medical use, human growth hormone and anabolic steroids are illegal and in a majority of countries have been banned from use by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).

That said, steroid use started to grow in the 1960s and 70s with the increase of bodybuilding competitions and associations. At that time steroids were legal to use, and bodybuilders talked openly regarding their use.

Because of the boom in bodybuilding competitions, Gold’s Gym opened locations all across the United States, giving men everywhere a chance to pump some iron and work on their physiques. The IFBB, or International Federation of Bodybuilders, which began in 1964 and is perhaps the most well-known bodybuilding organization.

Because of the advantages that steroids can give to competitors, the formation of “natural” bodybuilding associations appeared in order to allow individuals who don’t use PEDs to compete on a fair level. Natural bodybuilding competitors are given drug tests for a wide range of banned substances before being allowed to compete — among those is human growth hormone.

Certainly, not everyone at the gym is competing in bodybuilding contests, or using steroids. But it's not difficult to find men using a combination of steroids and human growth hormone for athletic and/or aesthetic enhancement because of its ability to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat.(1)

Why Human Growth Hormone is Used For Bodybuilding

According to the bulk of the scientific evidence, the greatest single benefit that is associated with growth hormone is increased gains in lean muscle mass - which results in a reduction in body fat. Those who have difficulty gaining muscle, or keeping the fat off, may see an improvement after using growth hormone.

For example, one review of research studies examined more than 40 studies on the use of growth hormone in athletes. Researchers concluded that participants who received daily injections for a period of around three weeks saw a gain in lean body mass that averaged 4.6 pounds.(2)

Because there isn’t a lot of proof that HGH by itself can increase strength, speed, or reflexes, many people prefer to use them in conjunction with anabolic steroids. A number of those using HGH with steroids claim that when they use only growth hormone, the results tend to be minimal.

While the benefits may vary, the general consensus appears to suggest that HGH may not possess the miraculous powers some believe it to have.

The Side Effects of HGH

All drugs carry the potential of causing negative side effects. If you're not actually experiencing a deficiency in growth hormone, you may be at risk for developing any number of unpleasant or harmful reactions if you take a high amount of HGH.

These include nerve, muscle, and/or joint pain, fluid retention, numbness/tingling of skin, elevated cholesterol levels, and an increased risk for diabetes and cancerous tumors.(3)
Additionally, if you take HGH for an prolonged period you could develop acromegaly, a condition causing excessive growth in the face, hands and feet.

Another reason that bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts regularly cycle HGH with steroids is to try to mitigate any potential side effects.

If you are currently using HGH and experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, see your doctor immediately. Research is so far very limited concerning the long-term effects of prolonged growth hormone use, so please use caution and seek out the opinion of a medical professional.


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