Low back pain

in gtg •  6 years ago 

85 percent of people who have had low back pain have a very high risk of getting it again. Given this situation, "the challenge is to avoid future relapses and here physiotherapy plays a fundamental role with approaches such as therapeutic exercise",
Low back pain is any pain located in the lower back whose origin is associated with musculoskeletal structures (muscles, tendons, ligaments ...) ”Causes of low back pain
The most frequent causes of acute low back pain are, according to Huerta, “ligamentous strains caused by sudden and intense movement, such as a slip or sneeze. This can cause an imbalance between the musculoskeletal structures, and not moving in coordination causes a sprain of some ligament with its consequent muscle spasm and joint blockage ”.

How to act at first? "If this injury occurs, the most important thing is to apply local cold during the first 24 or 36 hours, rest and, if necessary, take any anti-inflammatory by mouth"lumbar.jpg

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