What is guayusa? What is the guayusa plant?
Guayusa was first botanically named in 1901 and is one of the 3 caffeinated trees of the Amazon. The leaves are brewed like tea and due to its fascinating collection of natural components it produces a long-lasting alertness which is described as being „focused“. .
The guayusa tree can grow up to 30 metres high and has leaves up to 22 cm long.
Guayusa is pronounced wha-yu-sa by the indigenous Kichua (Quechua) people. They have cultivated it fpr thousands of years . Theoldest leaves found are around 1500 years old. Guayusa has a long history.
To date no guayusa seeds have been found. That is why guayusa is propagated exclusively by using cuttings. An interesting point is that a 1979 Havard University expedition came to the conclusion that guayusa is probably related to yerba-mate.
Guayusa is not only a taste experience as the concentration and energy causing natural components cannot be beaten.
The Kichua drink guayusa both before sunrise to give them energy for the day and also evenings to stay alert and be successful when hunting.