Habit Rules

in habit •  7 years ago 

The word is habit
images (12).jpg https://goo.gl/images/rrqaBG Habits are behaviors done continuously overtime. Some habits where developed while growing up. We tend to develop habits through various means. We have two types of habits, one is the good habit and the second is the bad habit. Habits are done unconsciously, and it defines the whole of humanity. Habits define our lifestyle which is the way we live our lives and it determines the extent to which we succeed or fail.

images (10).jpg https://goo.gl/images/vDeqVv Eating is an habit. Either we eat too much or not, it is an habit. This habits are formed overtime as we grow up.

images (11).jpghttps://goo.gl/images/8Cea4N
Anger is another habit that defines us. It damages a lot but it can be useful if we'll managed
Habits rule our daily lives but we can decide or choose to develop good habits that will help build a better life for us all..
Habit defines everything about our lives
Work on your habit. Develop good habits and you'll experience a change of lifestyle for the better.
Control your habit, control your life.

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