Which Common habit is the biggest wast of time ?

in habit •  6 years ago 

Every Single Habit is a Waste of Time.

Well, every habit if done too much.

There is almost no habit that is actually good if you do it too much.

Waking up early is bad if you miss out on too much sleep. Sleeping too much is bad because you miss out on too much day-time.
Working too hard causes burnout and the results may not even reflect the work you put in. Working too smart causes laziness and overthinking.
Not reading anything keeps your mind numb. Reading too much, especially too much self-improvement, causes you to miss out on taking action or practice what you’ve learned.
Watching too many News leads to a lot of negativity, as few news are actually positive. While watching too little makes you ignorant about the world.
Trying desperately to reach success makes you always think about your shortcomings. Not trying to reach your own version of success at all will however fill you with regret down the line.
Doing nothing for fun is very hardcore and can lead to despair as positivity becomes a rare occurrence for you. Doing too much for fun, on the other hand, may not lead you to reach your dreams.
Spending no time with your family makes you grow apart. Spending too much time with your family does the same; mostly through annoying each other too much.
As you can see, no matter what habit you have, if you do anything too much it becomes a huge waste of time.

You are doing more harm than good with the habit and paying a bigger price for it than it is worth.

There is not a single habit that does not have the potential to be a waste of time.

But, because that is true the opposite also holds true: There is not a single habit that is innately, always a waste of time.

There is something you can learn from any and every habit.

The important thing is that you follow the habit for as long as it serves you well.

There is a golden middle in every habit that changes from person to person.

Find that golden middle for yourself!

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