This small habits helped me to achieve big goals

in habits •  7 years ago 

I lost my dad when i was doing my Engineering 2nd year and I was forced to discontinue my engineering degree course as it required lots of money. I wanted to make my brothers continue their education. Also I wanted to be successful and rich in future.

From then on I cultivated the below mentioned small habits, which resulted in saving lots of money that was used for my family in a better way.

  • No Smoking,

  • No Drinking,

  • Not treating Girl Friends nor Dating,

  • No Weekend treats with friends,

  • Little amount spent on movies in malls,

  • Daily waking up in the morning 5:30 AM

  • Daily meditation for 30 mins for developing self confidence and living healthy and daily 15 mins of physical exercise.

  • Less spend on medical expenses till now due to healthy body and mind

  • Saving 30% of income (starting from 1st salary till now )

  • Using Debit cards to ensure i spend within my limits (Not used Credit cards in my life time)

  • Cultivated habit of not comparing my selves with any other person

  • Intelligently investing in SIP and Shares

  • Planned for multiple source of income

Benefits & result (after 17 years)

  • Improved concentration and self confidence with 100% focus and involvement in what ever i do.

  • Educated my 1st younger brother as a Scientist. Now he is a senior scientist in Seoul.

  • Educated my 2nd younger brother as a
    Doctor and he is in ABUDHABI now.

  • Owning a house of Rs 1 cr without any debt (EMI is completed in 8 yrs as I paid my Variable CTC as pre-closure amount every year )

  • Providing better education to my kids.

  • Finally planning to book Audi Q7 - my dream car.


I recently cultivated a habit of reducing the time spent on social networking websites such as Face book and twitter and reduced time to respond what’s app messages to groups. I used to spend an average of 3 hrs a day earlier and now i spend only 20–35 mins a day.

Results :

I am spending the time with my kids by teaching them. Now i geared up for my first kid’s exams starting next month and spend (invest ) time there.

I have already wrote an answer similar to this question earlier

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