Response to @transisto's Open Letter

in haejin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi @transisto, I've addressed each of your points made in your open letter:

@transisto: You do not up-vote anything other than your own posts
First, I appreciate your candor. I must say, you have been the most civil of all critics and I'm grateful for that. I'd like an opportunity to place the self upvotes into context. Eversince downvotes started raining down on my posts from the trolls, my self upvotes have been reactionary to revive the downvoted posts. There is also very clear evidence of trolls randomly downvoting any and often many of my followers' comments. The followers don't want to be downvote censored by these trolls and are scared of commenting. Even today's posts have plentitude of insulting memes, downvotes and outright lies. Do you know how many of innocent commenters have been the victims of random acts of violent downvotes? I can provide a full list if you'd like to help revive these innocent victims. Without troll downvotes, I have no need to largely self upvote and would love to return it to the community as you do.

@transisto: You intentionally produce 10 piece of "content" per day to optimize your selfishness.

Again, context is most important. I started my blog with 10 posts per day back in June of 2017 as a demand pulled blog for Technical Analysis of Cryptos. In other words, most of my posts, if not all, are in response to analysis requests made by my followers. They send me emails or make the requests on the comments. I don't pull these analysis posts out of thin air or necessarily select the coins on my own. These are REQUESTED by the readers of my blogs for analysis because they either HOLD these coins or would like my technical analysis to help augment their own due diligence. I actually have a back log of analysis requests but 10 per day has been the output since the beginning. I have NEVER ramped up my number of posts per day to maximize payouts; it's been the same since my posts were making $0.02.

Case in point on Analysis requests:

When I started blogging on steemit, I began by posting these offers of free analysis. I offered this as a service to help anyone who wanted Technical Analysis input.

@transisto: You engaged multiple times in censorship based flag wars (flagging legitimate content below zero).

It would be nice to know your fair thoughts about others downvoting my blogs to zero over the past two weeks. They had legitimate contents containing analysis requested by my followers. First, I have never initiated a downvote for no cause. Second, have you seen the type of comments being left by the ones I've downvoted? One Troll made false accusations and fabricated evidence of a virus he was infected with through using my business website. This was complete slander and I had downvoted his subsequent lies and insults. I've also downvoted memes having an asian face on a's unacceptable. What are your thoughts on the troll comments being left on my blogs? Are they legitimate content?

Here is one of many Trolls who spammed my comments, often in rapid fire mode of 50 or more repeats. I downvoted these as I can't see how they are legitimate. I am Korean and I find this racist. Will the owner of this @kimjongpoo account please acknowledge?

How about @baejin the champion spammer? How about @nijeah the uncouth? There is only ONE sociopathic owner of these accounts: @berniesanders, dubbed as the "Bad Whale" by Dan who also programmed him to -18 for his vulgar ways. He is the ultimate self upvoter of his 3 word or single sentence or one image posts to the tune of thousands of dollars. And yet, he unashamedly accuses and attacks with downvotes others whom he deems, in his own hypocritical, perverse and farsically twisted ways, unworthy of Steemit. What's worst, @berniesanders wants his followers to report spam and selfvote abusers to the @abusereports list....the only problem is that his name is missing as it should perpetually be at the top of the list! (I believe I've seen @transisto on the @abusereports list for self upvotes.) He also was the one who approached me for a truce a few months back and we had agreed. Less than two weeks later, he abandoned the truce by reigniting a flag war. Devious and insane! If you're using @randowhale which is owned by @berniesanders, expect it to constantly be in sleep mode and not upvoting your paid requests. This is because @berniesanders uses @randowhale to do his personal downvote effect, he's using your delegated SP for personal flag attacks and so draining the power that should be used for upvoting the payers.

@transisto: I do not acknowledge any value to your technical analysis methodology.
• I completely disagree with the conclusion of most of your technical analyses.

Not everyone sees value in Technical Analysis. Is TA perfect? No, because it is based on probability and not certainty. If you don't understand Elliott Waves and don't see how to pattern out charts...then you are a nonbeliever. I have 26,000 Steemians who follow for my analysis and they clearly will be disadvantaged by the conditions you want to set. It'll be ideal if my followers can freely request for analysis...if they are prevented, then THAT is master censorship. Just because one doesn't see value doesn't mean others are not allowed to.

@transisto: IMO technical analysis on tiny shitcoins that are overvalued / over-hyped by factors of 5-1000x are meaningless.

If you see a coin as worthless, then that's your rightful opinion. But, it shouldn't be forced onto others. For instance, I had recommended BTS at $0.04 and it went as high as $0.92; a 2,300% profit. Many called it shit coin at that time because of the Bittrex delisting. Many said that SPR was also a shit coin because it was a dead coin for whatever reason and as I had projected, it went from $0.19 to $3.65; that was an 18x profit. Many were calling STEEM coin a shit coin when it was sub $1 but my projection was $4 and that was hit and now my projection is $14 and higher. It isn't best for any Steemian to place such censorship requirement on any blogger. I don't think anyone should have restrictions on what they can and can't request for analysis and they should posess the freedom to follow, upvote and resteem freely.

Regarding @ranchorelaxo; I've heard from a third party that witnesses did reach out to him; which was quite out of norm for Steemit. However, I'm not privy to the exact conversation but as he is listed as a developer status investor for Steemit Inc., you might want to find out more on the results of the discussion that took place.

Everyone seems only interested in @ranchorelaxo, but never mention the 10K views and hundreds of total upvotes per post from minnows who usually are often overlooked.

Last but not least, I do not have or operate a voting ring. I do not use duplicate accounts. I do not use bots except for this post so as to counter the downvotes and keep trending.

Again, I appreciate your candor and a chance to relate my thoughts.



PS: The trolls are doing their random acts of downvoting. @berniesanders owns these 17 duplicate accounts that not only downvote my blogs and commenters but self votes all his own to the tune of thousands of dollars and yet attacks anyone he sees as receiving too much in upvotes. A farse!

The Trolls who downvote my innocent commenters are no different than the ones downvoting this post:

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without @ranchorelaxo you make between $30 to $60 from your followers
@ranchorelaxo adds you around $200+

you make 10 post a day, each with rewards of $250+ or around $250. thats $3000+ a day
and you do this everyday, that is $30.000 a week
you go over 100k a month, over $1.2M a year

i hope that you and your team feel well rewarded

@ranchorelaxo use his steem-power according to his will.
Why Is it haejin's problem?

It’s not. Neither are our flags to correct the earnings.

agreed... so why all the complaining? Just use your votes as you each see fit...


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

yall act like @haejin is stealing from you when he is smiply doing what is allowed by the system. Should he not do whathe can to maximize his profits? would you not? isnt the point of steem to make money? when i read the white paper i didnt read anything about equal pay.

all this griping over someone else being successful. I find it distasteful for people to groan cause another is making more than you .

its not built to be fair its built to work....

Flagging is “allowed by the system” too, yet @haejin sees it as a problem when he is flagged.

are you right and i agree you

yes you are correct flagging is allowed and used for disagreements in rewards and other things.

im not saying haejin is right im saying all the griping is not necessary if one can simply downvote and move on.

of course this is a platform that supports discorse so i guess thats not really a reasonable conclusion.

i also think that if haejin has the money to correct those downvotes with an upvote it becomes a futile effort that wastes voting power lol.

if you ask me all the whales are TURDS that hoard steem and votes within their circles

Flagging/upvoting I care less what people do with their voting power. It's their power to choose, and it's others for 7 days to choose if it's fair. I personally prefer upvotes when it's directed towards me, but if someone thinks that my content isn't worth it, that's their call.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


This person known on Steemit as @Haejin is WANTED by the SOUTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT for TAX EVASION!!! They are coming after him. He has been reported to them & they know where he is. If you upvote this person & contribute money to him you could be charged in the matter of the court case. It is best to UNFOLLOW @Haejin & @StarJuno now. Do not UPVOTE or TRANSFER any FUNDS to these accounts. Any money you send to this criminal organisation can be traced back to you.

Check out what he is doing now.
This is not cool and is showing only one thing GREED!
The 200 SBD is for this post.

He is actually doing what most of the steemit reward poll rapers are doing. Just take one from the trending list and your comment is still valid.

The only question is - how they are different?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It came now.

Hopefully he will not use it across all his posts. :/

Of course, he will. He will lose money though. The simplest option is to encourage postpromoter to stop accepting bids from haejin, or we can deny him all his other customers by downvoting them – until they stop using postpromoter.


He won't because that's not really earning him anything financially and it increase how much of his reward can be flagged.

This is unfair ,, why this upvotes is in @rancholexo with $ 231,43. I see rancho just choose it for you only, it is same as your own voice

i donot support him, but there are many worst then him. look at the trending page, and also look at their transfers to bots.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Dude what are you talking you don't even know me I am for sure not jealous because I never was and never will or need! My life is awesome! But maybe you are or why do you even talk about being jealous.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Talking about reward poll rapers and greed. You are doing just great! 😂


I am actually happy when someone uses the bots and earns some steem, part of the idea is distribution, people seem to forget that.

Awesome, I was amazed, I'm new to steemit, very good post and thanks for the information, I invite you to visit my profile, I hope you like my posts and support me, kisses guys, I send many good vibes!


This person known on Steemit as @Haejin is WANTED by the SOUTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT for TAX EVASION!!! They are coming after him. He has been reported to them & they know where he is. If you upvote this person & contribute money to him you could be charged in the matter of the court case. It is best to UNFOLLOW @Haejin & @StarJuno now. Do not UPVOTE or TRANSFER any FUNDS to these accounts. Any money you send to this criminal organisation can be traced back to you.

The truth Will always Be, and all lies Are Seen..

This will not last just keep promoting truth and leeches will end up with their own dry bones to suck on

Is steem power free? If you invest that much in steem power then you should be allowed to spend it your way.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Join FFF-SOS Today! - Start Doing Steemit the Right Way!

If America collectively ate one rich guy who is worth $100 Billion, then all Americans (all 323 Million) would get approximately $309.00. Not even enough to pay for one month's rent!

If people were to suddenly start to engage in this type of behavior IRL, nobody would ever dare to do anything meritorious ever again out of fear that they too would be eaten, by a bunch of dumb fucking zombies.

Now I know that many of you don't think that @haejin's work is meritorious, but that ought not be your focus. Your focus ought to be who you choose to reward with your upvotes. Go out and make votes for the type of work that you'd like to see more of.

I mean are any of you out there in real life trying to create mobs of people with pitchforks and torches to go after people who you think make too much money on YouTube? No, you're not, because you know it's just wrong behavior, and deep down inside, you know that life simply is not fair.

You run the risk of creating more damage, and negativity, trying to impose some sort of artificially contrived parity, because your not forward thinking enough to contemplate the ramifications of these types of actions.

Communism, Socialism, and Marxism doesn't bring fourth some type of magical panacea. What it does bring is mass slaughter and Democide. If you see my posts or comments get flagged for saying this, it will simply have proven my point.

Wake the fuck up people!

UPDATE: FFF-SOS 'Patient Zero' Petitions @randowhale

Bernie please read the above petition (open letter) to @randowhale, I think with a little ingenuity, and or with your help, we could take action to make Steemit a better place, but it would involve a ceasefire strategy. I hope that would be something of interest to you.

False analogy @thoughts-in-time.

I don't think anyone is advocating a Marxist-esque rewards system (however the hell that would look).

Many of us are against the collusive voting or proxy voting Haejin employs to manipulate people's perception and allocate himself rewads apart from his own merit or sweat equity.

Many of us hope this will establish a precedent for other whales that are considering abuse of the system for rewards.

What you are seeing right now is only the beginning of the self policing mechanisms that should have been created on Steem a long time ago.

They will get more sophisticated and people will realize there will be a risk and increased cost to trying to be a scammer on Steem. I think you are wrongly conflating this issue into something it is not.

Okay, well I appreciate your feedback on the matter @anthonyadavisii.

I know that Rando supposedly gives back like I don't what it is, either 80-85% of what he's collecting in curation to the people that provide him the delegations.

Question is if you compared his rake of the curations rewards to whatever haejin is picking up, anyone ever crunched the numbers to see who is taking in more? Rando is a pretty colossal bot.

I don't pretend to know the answer of who is taking more from the reward pool, but I tend to think. That's the entire goal of the system. You're meant to try and get rewards, it's what it's all about.

Yet, people like Bernie he's made it his mission to try and prevent people from getting rewards because he's jelly or something parading around as being altruistic. Maybe he really does think he's being altruistic, I can't say for certain.

Writing two sentence posts and collecting 700 bucks on them, isn't exactly proving his point. I just think that this war is a ridiculous waste of time, it's only serving to create strife and envy.

Everyone should try to get as many rewards as they can. If it destroys this place, then it was a broken concept to begin with.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Man, you really still don’t understand how this platform is supposed to work do you?
What this people are doing is unsustainable long term. The platform won’t be able to handle it if suddenly 10 more of these two will pop up. There will be no rewards and your @thoughts-in-time will have to go somewhere else.

Let me ask you this, if you were a smart money investor and wanted to capitalize on Steemit. Would you invest your millions knowing that if you self up-voted, then people would try and make sure you didn't get rewarded for your post?

Mind you it is these smart money investors who replenish the reward pool, so if you scare them off before they even get here the pool size will not replenish itself, equating to reward scarcity.

Whereas, if you encourage people to take as much from the pool as they can, the smart money investors will flock here in hopes of capitalizing, and thereby add capital too the pool.

Have you considered that at all? Capital controls, and high regulation tend to stymie growth. If I had money to invest in Steemit, and learned how the platform worked. The very idea of Reward Poolice would make me reluctant to invest.

People who have large amounts of money or Steem are always going to end up pulling in higher rewards, it's the natural way of things. It's why billionaires, can earn sick amounts of interest daily, just having their money sit in banks.

They bring value with their investment, and get value in return. If the system were not set up to benefit investors, then investors won't invest.

It would be like if one day it suddenly stopped raining. Eventually we'd use up all the water, and there would be no water.

On the contrary-- If I was a smart investor, I'd recognize that if it was possible to abuse the system in the way you are describing, I'd stay away. Things assigned value NEED to have proper value, otherwise something is wrong with the system. What does "proper" mean? Who knows, but what's obvious is when something has a ridiculous value assigned to it.

Look at the extreme: Let's do a little thought experiment: say there's no "police", and all these "smart investors" are very excited and pour tons of money into the system to upvote empty posts. Raking in the dough, at the expensve of everyone else. They are excited and call others to do the same. Soon everyone is selfvoting empty posts, and nothing else is happening on the platform. Do you still believe what you are saying about "everyone should try to get as many rewards as they can?". I'll tell you what will happen-- Someone is going to question the value of the platform, and the whole thing will tank. Well, it's looking like a fun scam at that point.

Long story short: corrective votes are necessary to the platform's survival, specifically to counter abuse. It may not be a perfect system, so I believe some adjustments are in order to the incentive structure. But until then... these flags are entirely necessary.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

😅 first if you haven’t noticed yet, many of those involved are also high stake investors.

  • second, this platform isn’t really about high stake investors, and here is why: it’s about involving as many people as possible, so that businesses will get involved as well.

  • Business comes there where people are. People hold the real value.

  • Without good content being encouraged and spam content being discouraged, creators won’t stay around. That’s why there are curation rewards. They should be what the stake holders are after.

  • with great content, a good community and businesses involved Steem price will go up as well, which will bring a lot more investors than you can even think about.
    that’s what everyone should be after

By the way, investors who don’t power down and hold their stake in SP also earn interest rate, FYI.

This particular content maker (I really can’t call him a creator out of the respect to the actual creators) doesn’t believe in Steem. So he takes all of his rewards out.

For the rain analogy, well if somebody puts a pipe and drains all of the water, there still would be no water. The people concerned are actually trying to protect their investments. They have the right to do it, also against other investors.

Self policing is important for a decentralized platform to work. You are actually witnessing something extremely important @thoughts-in-time. Too bad you don’t realize it.


Well said. It's the kind of pettiness that destroys almost all forums and social media groups i've been part of and in the end it's just really boring. It will infect multiple posts and topics that could have otherwise started interesting conversations, it will drive new people away from steemit and it will consume time and effort that could otherwise have gone towards creating something positive for the community

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You didn’t reply to the most important point he made: You are part of a collusive voting ring.

I will flag any post you make that is scheduled to earn more than $5, because that’s all they are worth. I encourage others to do the same.

@transisto look here, @berniesanders my hero

Your point?

This is the downvote group I was speaking of the other day, and you said noone would do that because they dont earn on it.

Seems to me the mayor problem people have with @haejin's payouts is @ranchorelaxo's big upvotes.

Nobody makes money from flags so why would anyone makes a "ring" out of it.

They're just multiple accounts following a main one, most likely @berniesanders .

Ok, I thought it was his accounts, but he has a steemauto trail for them then as they all vote same time.

Read your posts and do see your point of view. I can agree on most of it too, but I don't agree on downvoting just because you don't agree with the content, and i don't agree on downvoting haejin's followers commenting without telling why. It just frustrate and make you look bad in a lot of new peoples mind.

it was for the bold comeback, not its worth


that burn.jpg

Do we really believe these flag wars will attract new users?

  1. they’re not wars

  2. they don’t affect most users

  3. yes, because less voting collusion to skim the rewards pool leaves more rewards available for others.

Lol. All this does is prove that the only accounts with power are the whales and the bots. At least it saves time by proving there is no point in new users putting any time or effort into this platform (much less powering up!!!!!). It won’t fulfill its ‘promise’ of providing income (to the vast majority of users), and the ongoing wars will just drive users away. I am certainly sick of it.

sounds alot like the real world. there is no way that money is involved and those with less of it have more power than those with more of it.

just like in real life if your not willing to invest into your balance and increase your power then the minnows will not follow you because you have nothing they want and the whales wont waste their time on you because they see you as beneath them.

we should Fork steemit and create our own platform with moderation and accountability.

decentralization is good until you realize the rich will rule your decentralized world. (they co opt everything)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

well they are voting for more % of the reward pool then you, yep that's true but they don't upvote only their own posts and ignore the rest, they are voting for many users. The only problem with voting bots is that they can't distinguish between good and bad posts that is the duty of other ppl who fight against spam and scam that gets promoted by bots.
If a votign bot starts to only upvote his own posts then ppl will start flagging the bot like it happend in the past with scam bots.

Truth knows its own source. We don't want to attract new users we want to provide a platform of currency exchange rooted in truth not capitalism.

It is important to sort steem creators from money manufacturers if steem is to rise above money as intended.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

A voting ring comprised of yourself and @ranchorelaxo is still a voting ring.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You want to stop him? Do it directly to him.

That's exactly what I'm doing by countering his upvotes.

Well, your downvotes are a waste for the same reason since you can’t up-vote others with it.

By flagging you I'm indirectly up-voting everyone else. I believe that @Ranchorelaxo risk taking down the value of Steem so that you can get your unfair share of it.

I'll be making more money by making sure you're not getting any, simple business decision. I find you very disingenuous and undeserving so that flagging also provides me with a good feeling that money can't buy.

Would it be so hard to tell @rancho to vote your 10x posts a day at 3 day time?

So that on top of taking unfair reward you don't do it in plain sight and expose everyone to the unfair reward your borderline scam analyses gets?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

starjuno74.png Just a network that flags? Did this account that you delegate to, hate all my open posts on this day?

The flags I received on this comment (you would like reading it) were so well coordinated that I had to investigate starjuno. I strongly believe that it is his own account or someone living with him. I think it he himself and is abusing reward pool with both accounts. He also sent some Steem for another account creation.

Thank you @donkeypoke

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

We need to meme that pronto. "I have no voting ring" lolololololol !!!


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You have no truth in your heart, friend!

You realize truth and reputation are all that matter in the end and there's no way your manufactured benefits will last too long while openly raping honest contributors?

Capitalism is the way of empty-hearted snakes and even the untrained eye can spot slithery sideways movement from quite the distance!

Steem is not money, friend. You are completely out in the open shameless robbing the blind while A11 are watching.



Hi Haejin i wouldn't worry about explaining yourself you are doing what we all wish we could do we are living in a free world and you can do what you want that's your business and i pat you on your back for such a great effort and following and reward pool if it aint you it would be someone else these people that bring you down have no life and nothing better to do they are just jealous of your earnings .These people will never change there ways and will be always jealous of anyone doing good. Stay strong and dont waste your time reading any negative posts cheers Deni Guerrera

Hi Haejin i wouldn't worry about explaining yourself you are doing what we all wish we could do we are living in a free world and you can do what you want that's your business and i pat you on your back for such a great effort and following and reward pool if it aint you it would be someone else these people that bring you down have no life and nothing better to do they are just jealous of your earnings .These people will never change there ways and will be always jealous of anyone doing good. Stay strong and dont waste your time reading any negative posts cheers Deni Guerrera

Great post Haejin, thank you for putting up with lame troll abuse and posting your TA. You are awesome.

@haejin sir after some time i am commenting on your post.Many people have got questions to you but i know the reality,what you mentioned above is absolutely right.Many times i got flagged because of commenting on your post.Some time i see that your post also been flagged.I stopped commenting on your post because i was scared.But after some time seeing your post i thought now i should comment,what i said earlier i am with you whatever happens.I have got a question can you tell about steem or sbd price because its going nowhere.I always like your post.@upvoted and resteemed

I ve just had my account destroyed simply for asking BS why is he doing it
So far i know BS has lost at least 1 witness vote due to the above post and I'm very proud of it and hope for it to be the first of many!!!!@

Not destroyed, You're still at rep +1. Just thread carefully from now on.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This whole meaningless war goes to show the structural flaws in the Steemit platform. Perhaps we were not meant to have nice things.

@ranchorelaxo bring @haejin post into steemians attentions
I think it is not @haejin to be target by this blame. I see it unfair, Without @ranchorelaxo he will earn less.

Blame @ranchorelaxo for choosing him.

About post quality, It is in the eye of the readers interest and not by some steemit witness,

Thus flagwars are just a spoilers of steemit


I dropped by to see what's going on. I read the letter and the response as well. I can only say that a lot of energy and upvotes are used up (not necessarily wasted, ok) in this debate. I only suggest that we get our point across without obscenety and profanity. In the end, we're all part of the Steemit community. There's a need to remember that people have differing points of view but having differences alone doesn't make one or another an animal. We're humans here. Even if I were a whale, I wouldn't spend so much power in downvoting and wars. But you see, many others will disagree. That's natural. -But it doesn't mean I'm indifferent or an enemy. I just see things differently.

I feel like I am reading a response from the Venezuelan government to the accusation against something. Diverting attention to any point except the one discussed, it is always the fault of a third party, highlighting their "achievements" and never accepting part of the blame.

technical term is called a red herring


Well written, Haejin. I honestly don't know how to downvote something. If I did, I would downvote Baejin comments. I'm pretty new to Steemit and enjoy the interface as well as your comments. As long as you are delivering valid content, you SHOULD maximize the interface.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There are many accounts that vote for their own or fixed accounts, instead of finding good content. But I don't think it's those accounts to be blamed, it's the rules. Hope we can see new rules in the coming HF.

I am one of your original supporters.
I was not aware that you dont upvote your supporters and other steemians????
I am sad that you have not upvoted on any of my blog posts? WTF?
I am very sad that you do not reply to mine or others comments to your blog? if you had? your curation rewards would have been way higher and there would be no hate comments by others. If you don't have the time, then do less posts.
@haejin you have lost my upvote and support.

your posts dont deserve more than 5$. Are you telling us that you spend 24 hours watching graphs and getting conclusions on some lines and candles? Seeing that you post more than 10 TA per day means you barely spend quality time on them. Not to mention you are exploiting people who are new to crypto and do not know any better. If they follow you, they lose money with your graphs and they deserve it. BUT you don't have to contribute in that process.

Edit: people like you give bad rep to crypto space in general.

Actually doing technical analysis doesn't even take that long most of the time.

It needs to be quick because it wouldn't be useable in any real world trading situations.

I think people have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that technical analysis is a game of probabilities and scenarios that may be more likely to occur than another scenario. As market conditions change, so too can the odds of a previously identified pattern or movement.

I'm NOT a TA guy, but have learned quite a bit from your posts, and more so from your video analysis.

I find it absurd that people want to downvote content just because they don't like it on a platform whose purpose was suppose to hold the door open to free flowing speech and information. If the community didn't value it, it wouldn't be read, upvoted, resteemed, etc. Or better yet, if they produced more/better content then it would eventually outshine that which they attack.

I appreciate your efforts and knowledge, however imperfect it may be. I see genuine and sincere attempts to help people, and hope you continue to find an outlet for your voice.


Impossible, it's the upvote from one of the 10 largest accounts that gives him support and views. Nobody can outshine that unless they have 4 million dollars to spend powering up like haejin's constant upvote @ranchorelaxo who gives him 200$ per post, that ends up being closer to 500$ a post since SBD price is inflated, 10 times a day.. can't outshine that. But as a community who cares, we can remove some of the money that haejin would otherwise take, so it can go to other good posters who don't get noticed as much.

That's because Steem is an unfair system. Only the rich survive in this game. I wrote an article about it in hopes to shed light on the major flaw. If Steem changed it's calculation for upvote count Haejin would still be on top because of his subsriber base and upvotes.

Steemit Studio Present :


That's awesome

Haters going to hate. While I do not find your analyses actionable for the most part, I do find value in your posts.

This current situation has been brought due to the scale and massive earnings from your posts. There's plenty of minnows who do the same thing (self-vote with multiple accounts) but no one cares because they're so small.

This is definitely a tricky issue and I can see the perspective from both sides. It's a bit discouraging to see this happening on Steemit and I hope a civil middle ground can be met.

Timing is one of the toughest aspects in trading, if not the toughest. Elliot wave does not predict time, so it could take a long period of time for the wave to play out. Because of this, one should be very cautious when entering a position and have a plan of all scenarios of price action.

Hey @haejin, here's another request from a fellow Steemian: post more content like this where you speak your heart out.
This was great.

You do realize that the war will continue until you either make a radical change (for instance, decline payouts) or actually leave Steemit? - All the hatred is building up rapidly and you continue to pour gasoline on the fire by behaving like you do.

If you made 10 posts per day while earning $0.02 in the past. Why don't you change your behaviour and approach and still earn a shit load of money on a daily basis? (By reducing the number of posts or decline payouts for instance.)

I am sorry. I actually liked this genuine letter from you, but you continue to look greedy as fuck... And that's the whole reason for this war.

If you reduce the posts or decline payouts on 50% of your posts, you would still earn more per day on average, than what many people makes in a month on their 9-5 jobs. And, the war would stop.

The memes and all the "racist" comments would vanish from your blog and people would leave you alone... But that doesn't seem to be something you're interested in. And that's the perfect example of a greedy person who doesn't care about anything but themselves.

This war will continue because you are selfish and greedy. And the worst part is, that you don't seem to realize that you bring nothing but more hatred towards you and your blog.

Change your behaviour and be grateful for what Steemit have given you before it's too late for all of us.

What amazes me is that you really think that way. Probably you do live a double-standards life and do not understand why your life is like that.

It makes sense that you face the life teacher like Haejin.

I do not hope that you get my message right now, but I hope that some day you get it and it is not going to be too late. 🙏

you didn't explain why either defender or accuser are in the right or wrong

I'm learning to not judge people, because that is useless and there is no such thing as being right or wrong. It's their opinion and I can only like it or not.

how can you tell if you like an opinion without judging it first?

This is what you missed - judging people and judging opinion are two different things.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A person can use whatever image he wants for his avatar. I trust in charts, opinion and the result it gives me.

Why do you consider it appropriate to put quotes around the word racist? That suggests you don’t consider it to be racist. Have you seen the images and memes? There is no question.

I truly don’t care about the reward pool one way or another because it is irrelevant to the vast majority of users even if they don’t realize it yet. I do, however, feel strongly that a “community” that accepts racism is not one that is worthy of being saved. That the only way to do anything about it is to mute the offenders only makes it worse actually. We can all pretend it isn’t happening.

I'm going to keep upvoting @haejin..... He posts good content..... I'd probably upvote you too, if you posted good content


So, are you saying there is a maximum any one STEEMian should be allowed to make per day?

If the people believe he is getting upvotes through automated voting and bots, then let's get the Steem API fixed so that NO ONE can use automated voting and bots.

Very good suggestion! 👍

the people don't believe it, they see it with their own eyes


it's an alt-account actually

I honestly do not use duplicate or alt accounts. I honestly do not have a voting ring of members voting for me. These are false.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Okay. So? Is it a bot?


let's get the Steem API fixed so that NO ONE can use automated voting and bots.

I don't think you know how computers over the internet works.

You are supposed to be the technical person on Steemit and you don't know about API application keys? You don't know how to add anti-bot checks to the upvote so that 99% of bots are blocked? So, you don't think between having approved application keys and a human check, that Steem couldn't eliminate almost all of the bots?

아직도 끊임없는 이유없는 다운 보팅과 전쟁을 하고 계시는 군요. 도움이 못 되어서 아쉽습니다. 멀리서 응원합니다 해진님.

Look at the number of other Votings except for whales with black sunglasses. It is the minimum number of people who support and wait for technical analysis.

I know it's not Steem etiquette to post URLs back to your blog but in this case I wrote directly about Haejin and thought this post was a great place to add it to. Thanks!

I am a plankton and had a bunch of the BernieSanders crew downvoted me. Is this not hypocritical?

i guess that at long as your work is good and is worth the money, then your upvote is just making that work more visible? anyway, you better destroy some sbd to show good faith.

It’s amazing that there are so many haters. Why the fuck do you people care what haejin does with his own blog? If you are jealous just make good contents of your own and upload them just as haejin does, that way you could (maybe) make as much money as haejin does. I see so many pathetic losers its not even funny.

Hey my friend good is day how are you my like your post very good all for use....

Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @ranchorelaxo valued at 230.70 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

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i think everyone's just jealous that they didn't think of it first.. i sure am with my $30 account! i'm more annoyed by all the vegans making fat stacks of cash off of gross looking food but whatevs.. i think if anyone had any sense theyd stop upvoting posts that have made hundreds already, and go upvote a few on $0.00, but then that would be selfless and that's clearly not what this community is all about. from what i gather it's more about saying "i'm selfless!", then going and buying loads of upvotes for every crappy post i've made. all the greedy whales are as bad as each other. it's a pointless and pretty hypocritical flag war you guys are playing if u ask me..

voting ring.jpg

Great post. I don't understand why people are upset that a content provider with a large following that posts a lot of content is making money.

Maybe we need a bit of whale hunting.

How about a hard fork and anyone with more than $100K in their account has the remainder removed and placed in the community pool? I would vote for that!!


I don't understand, what does this list show?

All of the witnesses hgin votes for. The people who are responsible for steemit. People who he is kissing ass to.

The platform cannot continue with monopolized content. I don't have a whale backing me, nor have I ever. Minnows take risks and build slowly. All deserve success, but your analysis are predictions ONLY. Some you predict correct, others not. The ones you don't predict correctly should get $250?

Little minnows like me dont even bother with bot upvotes because the demand is so high. This is in regards to GOOD content. It's completely demoralizing seeing the payments for these posts. Touche when it comes to ONE liner posts that make the same amount I would need to make in 2-3 weeks. There is abuse all around.

Dear @haejin Please do a technical analysis of your own post reward trends and predict it's trajectory, then bernie, and then me. Or whoever you find interesting. Comment below to have a user's rewards predicted

This is my post regarding the subject

I know that this war of flags is taking the STEEM to the floor and there are new people who leave because votes are wasted


I like your post, post you can add my insight,
Very good post @haejin

Good post,,

You did not reply to the most important point he made:

I will flag any post you make that is scheduled to earn more than $ 5, because that's all they are worth I encourage others to do the same...i am agree the with you @sneak

I Am not jumping on the ihatehaejin train because there are so many people making money on turning you into a scapegoat when the problem is with the system itself. I don’t really care if you are a prophet or a 12 year old kid giving half assed TA, You do have to admit that you suck up an ungodly amount of the reward pool with so many posts every day so can you really be surprised when people come after you? If you kept it to 2-3 posts a day I don’t think they’d be justified in this witch hunt. And now that you are in defensive mode, I don’t expect you to stop. All I can say is, you’d be a lot less hated if we felt you were spreading the wealth among the community.

I don’t believe ANY account should be as powerful as your main upvotter....but I don’t know what to do about it except for appealing to all you monsterous whales to support the rest of us. I’ve already called out Bernie on his shitposting, I’ll keep calling out everyone on booth sides of any whale war until a majority of a whales upvotes go to minnows who aren’t alternate accounts.

I think your only way out of this is to start showing that you can give back to the community, (not just your friends), or cut your loses and get out of here.....or you could just keep this up until the two sides drive Steem prices to the ground.

Very good clarification, I am new to the Steemit community and I really like the application and that people can have the freedom to express themselves, if the person can share real knowledge and make known their expertise in a subject should be very well valued .

Every one is behind @haejin, coz they are making big buck complaining about I donot support complain boxes that are raping reward pool too.

articles that are very useful, a lot of knowledge that we can get from the articles that you create,
good luck always come to you


I tried to ask you what the big deal was, you have never downvote Munich stuff nor have I to you. Really just seems a bunch of people who need to go to Facebook to fund algorithms that promotes confrontation. If you dislike something, keep on moving people, if you downvote or report a person(not spam bots) you need to find better use of your time. 361EA714-6C0D-403A-888C-694457AE308F.jpeg


The system is fair
If you think you are being treated unfairly you can leave the system


I personally find it very hard to understand the Steemit platform. Maybe that is because of my age. However I really enjoy creating content and I believe Steemit is a great platform for posting my blockchain articles.


up-vote from @steem-hafsha


Vote back


Congratulations @haejin, this post is the forth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 40 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $3762.37. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

I think they should upvote other good post instead of downvoting @haejin because it is the same. Like @moeknows said If a post is flagged forget about this post and upvote other posts. The author will get SBD and also will recover reputation.

But nobody want to give fully support like rancho. They want to give a few percentage of their voting weight. They want to upvote a lots of post. So the problem is because of the rancho's focusing only on haejin. The main concern is if a lots of people do like this there is no room for others(smaller).

On the other hand there is no rule to restrict someone's upvoting with full voting power. To be fair if @haejin write 10 posts per day, flag half of them and let the other posts go. So it can prevent wasting of steem power by downvoting others. Another solution is to talk with rancho to reduce his support to haejin to half of current support.

That's true information! @haejin

You used a screenshot of your followers' support and engagement yet didn't upvote their positive comments even with a 1%. Focusing on supporting the followers rather than on the "trolls" aka critics would be best.

Vote back ,and follome, and rresstess


love your work @haejin, i have benefitted financially by finding you on youtube then introducing me to steem which i didnt know even existed, shame about the sooky bitches on here tho, i really think it could be the downfall of the whole thing.


I commented and got flagged twice and unknowingly messed up my reputation. I should be 53 but i am 43. As callateral damage i do think it's a fight that may make Steemit better. However once all is good can the minnows get their rep back. I upvote good posts at .001 with over 1700 posts. Not good.
I proud of you @haejin let them know your side so we can resolve this. It's hard to explain to my new recruits. Thanks.


I think. should be in this steemit we need to take care of ourselves. no need to interfere with other affairs. do not be a sycophant. thank you @haejin. I am very motivated thanks to your post

I do not want selfishness or boredom
You make huge profits, but there are those who publish important topics born achieve up to 1Sbd Here we find that there is a distinction in the society of steemit, which will lead me to leave the majority of it Is the idea reached young enough of conflicts



kind of hypocritical to flag my previous comment without replying to it at all. You want to say you are mature, act it and respond to everyone, not just the ones that have the potential to truly affect your payouts on their own but everyone.

