Care before laying the weaving?
If we start with a real Rémy Hair quality hair, we recommend taking care before laying the weaving. Since the hair is going to be colored, or to undergo the passage of heat, it needs to be prepared.
Can I color my hair?
Natural hair can be colored but always in a darker shade, never lighter. Never discolor them to repaint them later. However, we do not recommend doing this because natural hair has already undergone preliminary treatments and it could be more fragile after coloring. Our color catalog is large enough so that you can directly find the color that will give you full satisfaction.
How to maintain tissage brésilien after coloring?
For better maintenance of natural wicks and better rendering, the application of a care on the wick is necessary so that the weaving can be reused a posteriori. On the maintenance side, everything depends on the techniques used. If coloring, such as tie and dye, is planned, a nourishing and moisturizing treatment must be used to prevent the wick from drying out.
How to keep your weaving as long as possible?
After three weeks, it is imperative to remove the weaving. Natural hair grows and needs to be cared for, to breathe since it perspires. we are not for the optimization of the techniques which make it possible to keep a weaving as long as possible - a month or even two - for the simple and good reason that the woven hair will be weakened and necessarily break more quickly. Weaving is an embellishment technique that above all allows you to change your style. This is artifice. You have to take care of your natural hair. And respect the three-week deadline. Once the weaving is removed: a deep care should be carried out on her natural hair. And a hydration treatment on her mèche brésilienne reserved for fragile hair. It is advisable to let natural hair breathe for several weeks before re-weaving. The tissage brésilien can thus be reused, and the natural hair does not suffocate. By following this type of maintenance, the locks can be kept for at least one year.
Which product to maintain the natural hair with a weaving?
Anti-itch sprays are great for treating both your lock and your hair - many of them provide hydration and shine. There are also sprays that can be applied under the braids, to work the natural hair and moisturize it, based on castor oil or shea butter. Sprays made of menthol or rosemary oil are very effective in treating or avoiding dandruff. The advantage of the spray format is that it allows you to work your natural hair even if it is woven, to make the product penetrate between the braid lines, to have access to the scalp to hydrate it well, especially if it is dry.
How can I take care of my weavings?
Detangling your mèche brésilienne morning and evening will prevent the appearance of knots. For a successful disentangling it is always necessary to start with the tip of the hair and go up towards the base of the hair.