When the 52 universes that form the Multiverse were reborn following the Second Crisis, the Anti-Monitor was as well, and he became the Sinestro Corps' sole Guardian. He recruited Superboy-Prime, Cyborg-Superman and Parallax to become his Heralds alongside Sinestro. He then promised Hank Henshaw that if he served him, he would end his life. Henshaw, who was grateful for this, built a new War World which the Sinestro Corps could use to transport the Anti-Monitor and their Central Power Battery to Earth.
When the Anti-Monitor descended upon Coast City, Sodam Yat foolishly rushed into battle against The Anti-Monitor and was swatted away as if he were nothing more than a bothersome insect. The Anti-Monitor was later seen watching Superboy-Prime engage Sodam (who had just become Ion a few moments earlier) in a vicious fight that would leave Sodam on the verge of death. During the final battle, the Guardians of the Universe fought the Anti-Monitor at the heart of Coast City. Where Green Lanterns Guy Gardner and John Stewart made a plan to take down the Anti-Monitor.
Guy and John's plan caught him off-guard and managed to toss War World onto his head. A giant, but contained, explosion powerful enough to wreck his armor, supposedly killed Henshaw and shaved The Sinestro Corps' numbers. The Anti-Monitor survived the blast but was then hurled into space by Superboy-Prime, who wanted revenge for the Anti-Monitor destroying Earth-Prime.