What is Happiness?

in happy •  3 years ago  (edited)


For me, enjoyment means moments in a row full of presence, attention and feelings of happiness. It means being there completely, letting go, savoring the moment, tasting and appreciating it. And it means a sweet aftertaste on the tongue that one likes to remember. Not only in the form of pictures, but also of emotions, feelings and a tingling sensation under the skin.

Enjoyment is something that many of us have forgotten over time. When do we allow ourselves to just sit there with a coffee or tea and just pay attention to the taste? To record and appreciate all impressions? Nowadays we mostly choose coffee to go. Have we forgotten how to enjoy?

Or who of us allows ourselves to enjoy our lunch alone and in peace? Pay attention to taste and consistency? Thankful for it and chewing it properly to explore new nuances of taste. Nowadays, we carelessly stuff our food in front of the television, take a quick snack while walking, or chat over dinner and ignore our food.

And how many people are completely present at a concert, event or even on vacation and are savoring the moment instead of taking photos or filming with the cell phone in order to be able to post it later?

All of this is not necessarily wrong, but it has its price. We unlearn what it means to enjoy life. The faster our life gets, the less time we have to enjoy. And so we quickly lose the fun of life.

Enjoyment is everywhere!

Our world has so much to offer. And it's not the big things that teach us pleasure, but above all the little ones. If you think that there is nothing in your life that you can enjoy, think again.

When was the last time you enjoyed being cuddled up in your bed? Feeling the soft mattress under you that supports you? The fluffy blanket and the cozy warmth that it gives you? When was the last time you enjoyed the view from your window, car, office, or hotel? Do you enjoy the light drizzle on your face? The intense taste of your morning coffee? The fresh spring air? The mild summer wind? The orange of the autumn trees? The presence of your partner, friends, family or children?

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