Men and women are biologically different, but that doesn't justify creepy behavior.

in harassment •  3 years ago 


I was a bartender for years.

One of the best privileges of being a guy is not having pervy/desperate guys constantly hitting on us.

Yes, women will flirt and can be direct, but it's just different overall. Most women don't hit on guys who are married, the same can't be said of the creepy guys I'm describing. Most women can take a hint when the other sex isn't interested, but I've personally seen lots of guys not get the hint when a woman is not interested.

Some guys will continue to act like they have a chance when there is none, and it's really weirdo behavior.

I've seen guys hit on women who are much younger than them as well, often decades younger and it's peak cringe.

These men are the same types of men who constantly tell dirty jokes when they aren't welcome.

They stare at the woman who aren't interested in them which makes them seem like a stalker.

These men will continue to give compliments to married women, thinking they stand a chance or fantasizing that they will leave their man, or acting like there's some disadvantage of the woman being not-single.

These same guys will try to use a girl's friends against her, making it sound like they are interested in them, in an attempt to get the girl jealous and to make them want them.

These men will also take advantage of work/customer relationships thinking that women are interested in them just because they give good customer service at work, in some cases stalking the woman.

These guys do what they can to appear as a friend and to get close to the women, but aren't trying to have a friendship, but are trying to go for much more, even when the woman has made it clear it's a friendship only.

These types will also be very giving, and give lots of stuff to a woman to make it feel like she owes him something and will use it against them down the road to get her in bed.

The worst part is some women don't even realize it in some cases and are led on for months and years before reality smacks them in the face.

There are a lot more weirdo pervy guys out there than weirdo pervy girls thankfully. It must be awkward having so many pervy guys always trying to pick you up, whether circuitously or directly. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with this nonsense as a guy, and thankfully most women aren't like this (and many guys aren't either, but boy there are a lot of these pervy guys out there)

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