The Haryana Police lathi-charged protesting the farmers at Karnal’s Gharaunda toll plaza on Saturday. Following this, the farmers' body Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) issued a call to farmers to block all highways and toll plazas across Haryana.
On the incident, Darshan Pal of SKM stated that, "Despite a peaceful protest, the farmers were brutally attacked and lathi-charged. Hundreds of farmers have been arrested by the police." In a video on Facebook, he demanded their release.
Bharatiya Kisan Union's Haryana chief Gurnam Singh Chadhuni appealed to the farmers, "Continue blocking roads till all those who were arrested are released by Haryana Police."
Earlier in the day, SKM had instructed the protesters to block highways in Haryana till evening 5 pm on Saturday.