Hash House Harriers in Cincinnati make an entry into the Red Bull Flugtag

in hashhouseharriers •  2 years ago 

I will try to get this right because even though I have seen this done on TV before I am not 100% sure what Flugtag even is. I believe it is where people construct silly looking vehicles and then crash them off of an elevated position into water below. The competition is supposed to be about which vehicle can fly the furthest but over the years it has become more of a competition about who can make the silliest looking vehicle to the delight of the crowd. Most of the things can't fly at all and were never meant to.

Well this year a sister Hash in Cincinnati have entered their local Red Bull Flugtag and we are of course, 100% behind them in this.


The Hashers involved in creating this wonderful bird that just actually might be capable of brief flight are I'm Not Gay, Big M Little Organ, Elephant Tight Ass, Spoiled Meat, and Marvin's Condom Contents. I have never personally met any of these Hashers, but I am delighted that they have at least rated PG-13 names like we have in Chiang Mai. Some Hashes I go to have family-friendly Hash names and to me at least, that is not what the Hash House Harriers are all about.

Like I said, most of the entries worldwide are not even interesting in winning the distance record but are in it more for the silly aspect of it and it this regard the Flugtag is a lot like the Hash House Harriers. Therefore it is something we should support.


Just because you have to get older doesn't mean you have to grow up. This is what being a Hasher is all about. I will not be able to get to Cincinnati to see this but I am going to try to find a way to watch it online. I would love to support the Hash any way that I can.

The Turkey has a wingspan of 19 feet and wit was no simple feat to create it. It's good to see Hashers behaving like Hashers all around the world. Never grow up! Be silly forever! He who dies with the most laughs wins!

If you feel so compelled you can vote for this entry feel free to click here and do so. The are the entry called "SIN CITY HASH HOUSE HARRIERS" and I have no idea what voting for this entry actually accomplishes. It's just more silliness, because I am a silly person and that is good Hash behavior.


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