".....you're a cock-sucking Justin Sun @stephenkendal lol" ...by @carloserp-2000

in hatred •  4 years ago 

Nearly 4 years on #Steem and my Blog has never had so much attention

Steemit Steem Blog.jpg

This is a polite warning

From day one of the recent announcement of the acquisition by Justin Sun from Ned Scott, I have fully supported Ned and Justin unconditionally and though I tried to convince those that had initially frozen Justin's Investment to reverse it, apologise to Justin and Ned and compensate them for the misunderstanding, I was repeatedly told to **** off.!!

As I have said on countless occasions, what happened soon after the announcement of the acquisition should never have taken place in the first instance without justification that a Contractual Agreement had been breached.

These last few months have seen a barrage of abuse directed at me and I thought I would share with you the latest comment.

".....you're a cock-sucking Justin Sun @stephenkendal lol" ...by @carloserp-2000

Sadly, some people just don't get.

Until someone can come up with a Contractual Agreement that would stand scrutiny in a Court that the #Steem Justin had purchased from Ned was not Justin's to do with as he pleased, then my position on this will never change.

Though I have repeatedly wished those that decided to leave #Steem to concentrate on their new Project, these continuous: hatred, racist, prejudice and homophobic remarks directed at either me or others shared on my feeds will not be tolerated.

This is a polite warning.

Thanks again for reading.


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It's very sad that people feel the need to engage in this sort of behavior... we're not in grade school, anymore!

The so-called "ninja mined stake" here was always a question mark, and (at least for my money) the fact that it was never addressed head on and set into some sort of formal agreement a long time ago always left me with the uneasy feeling that we were never "decentralized" here. Or, if we were, we were going to be vulnerable to some kind of 51%/Sybil attack.

DPOS is a strange beast... those who hold the most stake win, which by definition means that those with the most influence — or wanting the most influence — are going to strive for a centralized structure...

the fact that it was never addressed head on and set into some sort of formal agreement a long time ago


Music to my ears.

For the past 3 years I have been banging the drums about the lack of Contractual and Commercial Awareness in the #Steem Community and every time I did, I was either ignored to told to **** off.!!

#Steem is not some kind of joke, it's an Investment Protocol and as such should be treated with the utmost respect.

Sure, we are all here to have to fun, but at the same time we should realise that goes on the Blockchain stays on the Blockchain.

We are essentially creating Smart Contracts every time we hit that "Post" button whether it's a blog or a comment.

The moment something is said, it is said forever.!!

I am often asked why I am here and I think this comment should hopefully answer this.

For the past +3 years, I have often been stunned to read what some people have published and left wondering whether they realise that the consequences of their actions could haunt them down the line.

In the meantime, I will continue to do what I have been doing on #Steem in the knowledge that the sanctuary of the #Steem will always have my back.


Far too many don’t know that what they do can come back to haunt them. We all need to practice a bit of forethought before tapping the post or reply buttons. I know I do.

Yeah man your absolutely right, that´s what I also stated every time in this some times very unsubstantial and silly discussion, and being in the best way just criticized most times downvoted and exposed in some nice blacklists.
And yeah I´m still here with the head up high and fighting against this false understanding of friendship and supporting of false legal assessments by people who have no idea about the matter.
In my eyes it was not the fault from JS it was the one from NED who never took action about this very serious issue.

And what should I say to the last works from the HIVE Leaders, better nothing, every word is to much for that ;)

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

"Though I have repeatedly wished those that decided to leave #Steem to concentrate on their new Project, these continuous: hatred, racist, prejudice and homophobic remarks directed at either me or others shared on my feeds will not be tolerated."

I am still baffled, they created Hive and still can't stay or concentrate on their platform. There's no need for them to keep hating on those that want to build steem from the ground up again. Keep it up with your good work 👍

Thank you.

The language and hatred from those that decided to Fork from the original #Steem Community to create their own Project is on another scale.

Though I have maintained a professional approach from the day of the Fork and continually wished them success, their relentless attacks on Social Media are not going unnoticed.

I am not aware of anyone from the #Steem Community directing anything other than best wishes to them, but the continued barrage of abuse coming back is beginning to set off alarm bells and it's not just me that has noticed it.

I have been approached by so many people asking me why the vicious attacking continues and sadly I am running out of answers.



  ·  4 years ago (edited)

as much as I want any crypto project to succeed, hive abusers and their Blockchain is heading for a catastrophic disaster. Most of them are so clueless, I wish there was a way to educate them. All I can see despiration and greed from them and no leaders of the future, lacking the essence of morality. it's a pity. They preach de-centralization and without knowing the true meaning of it up to the level they lost sight of the future. Childish behaviour with no regards and care for others.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

That goes both ways though. Folks here, particularly the witnesses, are obsessed with Hive. The whole hardfork 23 announcement was all about stuff that happened on Hive and punishing people who helped make Hive. You can't yell "Leave us alone!" while simultaneously initiating hostilities. My hope is that the funds which were stolen in this attack get returned to their rightful owners so that Steem can be rid of them and finally be able to focus on their own chain improvements.

Though I have repeatedly wished those that decided to leave #Steem to concentrate on their new Project, these continuous: hatred, racist, prejudice and homophobic remarks directed at either me or others shared on my feeds will not be tolerated.

I have lost a whole lot of respect for a whole lot of people during this fiasco.

In particular, the person who left the comment in the article title also attacked my high-school aged son, multiple times, with similar unprovoked and abusive comments.

It's hard for me to believe that they behave that way and are still allowed to continue as a moderator of @steemstem and Hive's "Stem Social" communities. In fact, it's hard for me to believe that they were ever accepted into that role in the first place. It reflects badly on him and also on the respective communities who present him in some sort of authority role.

In particular, the person who left the comment in the article title also attacked my high-school aged son, multiple times, with similar unprovoked and abusive comments.

Sorry to hear this.

Behaviour like that is totally unacceptable.

Nobody should be attacked with abusive comments, provoked or unprovoked.

It is just plain wrong.

Sure, I am all for debating things, but I will not tolerate any abusive remarks on either side of any debate.

Hope your son is ok.


Well said. It is better to remain focus on new project. Nothing is perfect in this world. Neither I nor anyone else. It is important to give respect and earn respect and helping those people who seriously want to make both platforms worthy. Battle and exchange of world will only destroy the cause of business. Let's hope for the best @stephenkendal

I could not agree more.

Let's keep it professional and let the Market decide.


Personally my dream is too see that people who left over stakes in steem may help to biild the platform. After all Steem is their first home. On the other hand people who has given stake in hive as a Hive power utilize the Hive Power for the betterment of Hive Project. In this way we can develop a great concept of mutual understanding which eventually will be great for people of both platform. Let's hope the dream will come true.

Outright, bald theft is not professional.

i also sent you a meme --i guess you missed it

I totally understand that people can have different ideas and philosophy, which is why we had a fork that created hive in the first place. But what i dont understand is those people coming here deopping f bombs and posting dick pics and trying to sabotage this place like terrorists. Why cant we just agree to disagree and spend more time building up each platform? A Real shame.

My sentiments entirely.

I am sure that this will not be the only time a select few will decide to Fork from the #Steem Blockchain.

As #Steem develops and evolves, more Projects and Groups will have different goals that do not align with those of #Steem and we must respect them if they choose to go off and do their own thing.

What I will not tolerate is abusive, racist, prejudice and homophobic remarks directed at either me or others that share their views on my Social Media feeds.

People have to learn to reign in their spontaneous language, especially on #Steem or I fear they may regret it down the line.


Cannot agree more. Can't wait for them to leave completely.

Best Wishes Stephen!!
We're here, appreciating your work!!

why cant they simply leave ... we deserve some peace here !!!! right

Until someone can come up with a Contractual Agreement that would stand scrutiny in a Court

This is why people are mad at you.
You don't believe Steem has it's own sovereignty.
You think we need PERMISSION from the government of another country.
Steem is the country.
It doesn't work any other way and it's the entire point of crypto.
When your network is borderless you will always break the law somewhere.

Until someone can come up with a Contractual Agreement that would stand scrutiny in a Court

I am talking about the Ownership of the "Ninja Mined" #Steem Stake that was acquired by Justin at the time of the Acquisition.

As far as I am concerned this #Steem was 100% Ned's to do with whatever he chose to do and he chose to sell it to Justin.

Whoever thought that it was a good thing to freeze this #Steem and in effectively take it off Justin without any cast iron proof that Justin had no Rightful Ownership to the #Steem made a big mistake.

This should never have been done and despite raising my concerns repeatedly that this should be reversed and an apology made to both Justin and Ned, I was told to **** off and stay out of it.

As I have repeatedly said in the past, I will stand by with what I have said from day one.

Until someone can come up with a Contractual Agreement that would stand scrutiny in a Court that the "Ninja Mined" #Steem Stake was not Ned's to sell, then I go back to the time of the initial Soft Fork and say everything that has been created from that point in time and the Rightful Ownership of all Assets owned is in question.

This is all I have to say on this matter and I wish everyone involved in those Projects that have decided to take a different path all the success.


And what I'm telling you is that it did stand scrutiny in 'Court'.
The court are the witnesses themselves.
This is consensus. This is how it works.
It's fine that you don't understand because you're so brainwashed by previous experience.
You think the authority has to come from your previous masters.
This is false.
I want to ask if you understand now, but I know you don't, and maybe you never will.

But I get the feeling that maybe 10 years down the line when physical crypto communities/governments start materializing... maybe then you'll understand that the court exists within the community, and not some random government.

Until then, keep propagating this weird nonsensical argument that we for some reason have to get permission from another government to create the rules of our own government.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Does a bank ask for "cast iron proof" when freezing accounts?
No, they have anti-money laundering laws in place and will freeze accounts for hundreds of different reasons automatically and sort out the problem later. This is exactly what we tried to do and Sun defied community consensus and attacked our government with 3 centralized exchanges. They attacked us with the stake owned by investors who didn't want to perform that action. If you can't understand why that's 1000 times worse than what we did I don't know what to tell you.

The only mistake made in this situation was Justin doubling down with the exchange attack and the constant escalation. If he had simply allowed his accounts to be frozen this situation would have been resolved already and there would have been no fork.

Truth be told, I'm absolutely ECSTATIC about how this all turned out. JSun gave us the perfect excuse to neutralize the ninjamine completely rather than forcing us to deal with it constantly hanging over our heads. The value that was created in the fork was massive and now everyone is richer for it.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Truth be told, I'm absolutely ECSTATIC about how this all turned out. JSun gave us the perfect excuse to neutralize the ninjamine completely rather than forcing us to deal with it constantly hanging over our heads. The value that was created in the fork was massive and now everyone is richer for it.

I agree with this. If by some miracle, the stolen Steem gets returned to their rightful owners, then nobody will have lost anything.

ETA: except for opportunity cost.

Why should be the ninja stake the problem of JS, NED should have solved this problem earlier with community. But anyway I don´t find any sense in it because it was his company, his stake and so he must be free to do with it what he likes to, this is not a prerogative of the community but of the owner ;)
You can not claim rights for you that you´re not willing to give to others.

Promoting #Steem and #Steemit.

Shared on twitter.

Massive shout-out to everyone in the #Steem Community.

Please help to promote #Steem by sharing your blogs on twitter.




  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Sounds like he is boot licking in hopes of some reward pretty shameful really!

He might be one of the shareholders of Stinc, in which case he has a financial incentive to burn this shithole to the ground for a token swap to TRON. This is because according to people that know, the deal is 40% or so contingent upon the swap.

If the above is true, then this guy is a conspirator in grand larceny. Shame would only be the beginning of what should be going through his mind.

I won't resort to profanity or insults. I'm pulling out of Steem due to it not being the platform it was. At least under Ned the community were allowed to run things, but Justin wants complete control. The community have no say in the witnesses or hardforks. Do you support seizing of funds? Even Justin has said this is not acceptable.

Wasn't Steem supposed to be about freedom? My posts and comments get flagged, but I don't care about the money. In 4 weeks I'll be powered down anyway.

It's sad to see Steem do this way, but at least there's an alternative.

All the best.

This is the way gentleman should talk.

All the very best Steve.

I am sure we will meet up again.


  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

It is not about defending sun or someone else. Remember every picture has two different view. One from your eye and the other from your opponent eyes. There is nothing bad in difference of opinion. Infact difference of opinion made new platform HIVE which is a good addition for crypto and blockchain lover. Only problem is that difference of opinion should not be dealt with hatred, bad words and abusive language @stephenkendal pointed out the same in his blog.