Trip to the most haunted place in the UK!

in haunted •  7 years ago 

So I made a trip to the Borley Rectory church yard in Essex the other night. The place is said to be the most haunted place in England, and it certainly does have a spooky vibe to it!

Borley has an interesting history that’s highly worth Googling. Unfortunately the rectory itself burned down in 1939, but the church still remains.


Very creepy looking grave stones.


Felt a cold chill standing in this spot, but it was a cold windy night anyway.


The pathway in which many people have heard footsteps walking behind them.


Looks like something out of your classic horror film with the moon in the background!

Friends have called me crazy for visiting this place, especially at night, but being someone who doesn’t believe in the paranormal, I see nothing to fear. I’d love to be proven wrong though, and is why curiosity brought me to Borley!

I’d definitely recommend this as a place for “ghost hunters” to visit, but I do not advise going alone. It’s quite a popular location, and you never know who’s going to be about.

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