in healt •  8 years ago 


Before a person is born, his heart can already beat and the heart will continue to beat for the life of the body contained. If we count the hearts of people beating 60 times every minute, then the heart of an 80-year-old grandfather has beaten about 2,400 million times!
That the heart of a person can continue to beat because the heart itself is different when compared to other internal organs. Inside the heart there is a special set of tissues called respectively heart lumbar bumps (sinoatrial nodes), heart-chambered ear lumps (auriculoventricular nodes) and His bonds. His bond is subdivided into many small branches like a net, covering the inside of the left and right chamber of the heart chamber. The particular tissue has a unique uniqueness that can automatically signal and excitate the heart muscle and thereby cause the heart to beat.
Once the scientists drugged a small dog and then took out its heart, then poured a warm, oxygenated liquid into the heart canopy vein so that the heart muscle gets the nutrients. It turned out that with such experiments, the small dog's heart can continue beating for several hours. Before the chickens hatch, the heart has started beating, even though the nerve tissue still has not grown to the heart.
From the above example we can know that the heartbeat is caused by the heart itself and certainly not leaning on any other part of the body. It's the same with the human heart. Under normal circumstances, the person's heart activity is governed by a heart lump and is therefore called a "pounding point". The impulse released by the "pounding point" reaches the heart muscle. Simultaneously it also reaches the ear lobe of the heart chamber, then along the bond of His and its branches reaches the heart muscle chamber.
Well then, does the activity of the heart have nothing to do with the nerves?
Of course there is and the relationship is not simple! Heartbreaking points generate impulses with a steady rhythm. However, when the heart needs to beat faster and when it needs to beat a little bit slowly, it all depends on the arrangement of the nerves. The nerves present in the heart are the wounded nerves (the vagus nerve) and the sympathetic nerves (sympathic nerve). A stimulus to the wounded nerves can cause the point of inhibitory debar and make the number of heartbeats slows down. While stimulation of the sympathetic nerves can cause the heart beat faster. Therefore at the time of sleep the heartbeat is always a bit slow, while at a time when someone's emotions are in excitation or are working hard, and the heartbeat becomes rather fast. This is a proof that the heartbeat is always regulated by the nerves. Usually the two nerves are always in a balanced state and by itself the difference in heart rate is also not too large.
In addition to neural factors, there are also various body fluid factors that have a regulatory effect on cardiac activity, as well as hormones and cerebral cuff events (hypophysis cerebri), skin of the adrenal glands and marrow and thyroid gland (thyreoidea gland). So are electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and others.
In terms of these, although the heart beat is mainly determined by the heart itself, but also affected by other factors in the human body.

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Nice post