3 Amazing Ab Exercises for Beginners (You Need These)

in health •  7 years ago 
  1. Knee Drive Hold
    The knee drive hold is a powerful exercise for abs that won’t cause any strain on your back. I guarantee within seconds you’ll be feeling the amazing burn of a full-body workout.

You can do a knee drive hold with or without equipment and get the same benefits.

To do a knee drive hold with equipment, I recommend using a chair, stool or stability ball to prop your arms up on. Otherwise, you can get in a plank-like position (as if you were doing a push-up) and place your hands on the ground.

Knee Drive Hold Part 1 Abdominal Exercise

Once you’re in a plank position, bring your left knee straight into your chest with your right leg straight, but engaged.

At this point, your left knee should look as if you’re taking a step while walking. Hover your left foot above the ground (but don’t place it on the ground) and fully contract your abdominal muscles.

Knee Drive Hold Part 2 Abdominal Exercise

Tuck your tailbone to avoid pressure on your low back and squeeze your glutes while contracting the rest of your muscles.

Hold this posture for a few seconds before switching legs. I recommend doing 12 reps at a time.

This is an isometric exercise, which means you’re not moving, but engaging several muscle groups while holding the pose.

In order to get the full fat-burning benefits, be sure that all of your muscles are fully activated. You’ll know when they’re activated once you start to feel that burn.

  1. Activated Plank
    The plank is an exercise that looks easy, and perhaps even something you’d do while watching your favorite reality TV show.

But the reality of the plank is that, when done properly, it’s actually far from easy and won’t allow you to concentrate on anything but avoiding collapsing.

It is one of the most effective exercises to accelerate fat-burning and promote rock-hard abs.

The plank differs from other core exercises because it requires your shoulders, abs, lower back, quads and glutes to be activated, providing an intense full-body workout that will make you sweat, without even moving.

Activated Plank Beginner Abdominal Exercise

To do an activated plank, drop down onto stomach and prop yourself up on your forearms and your toes, as if you were about to do a push-up.

Straighten your back by drawing your shoulder blades down towards your hips. Do not allow your back to cave in, otherwise this can cause serious strain and injury in your lower spine.

To keep your back straight, engage your abdominal muscles and keep your shoulders pointing down. What you want to see here is a relatively straight line from your head to your toes.

Tip: If it helps with your form, imagine someone’s attached a string to your bellybutton like a puppet and is pulling the string upwards from above you. This can help you further engage your core.

Next, engage all of your muscles: squeeze your bum cheeks and your quads.

Your body will begin shaking as you activate your muscles, which is a beautiful thing – it means the exercise is working!

Hold the pose for as long as you can. It may only be 20 seconds at first.

Keep in mind It will take time to build up to holding it for longer, but the work you’re doing in this pose (no matter how short) is not for nothing- it’s a powerful fat burning exercise for your entire body.

Here are some other form tips: It’s all about the posture first in this pose. When done correctly, the activated plank is very effective in burning fat and strengthening and toning your core. But if you don’t have the proper form, or foundation for this pose, you won’t be able to receive the benefits.

Work on form first and endurance second. You may want to check your pose in a full length mirror to see that your lower back or shoulders aren’t strained and caving in.

  1. Dead Bug
    If you’ve always dreamed of being a character from A Bug’s Life, now’s your chance.

This pose is an ideal alternative to sit-ups because it works your core the same way sit-ups do but without the risk of hurting your lower back.

Dead bug also targets additional muscle groups (your triceps) for the fat-burning benefits that sit-ups can’t provide.

Dead Bug Beginner Abdominal Exercise

Lie flat on your back and bring your legs upwards into a 90-degree angle, or an upside down “L” shape.

Engage your abdominal muscles and point both of your arms straight upwards, into your thighs.

Push your thighs into your hands, and your hands into your thighs while contracting your abs. Further engage your core by raising your shoulder blades up from the ground, with your neck straight. Avoid straining your neck.

Hold for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat for 12 repetitions.

Tips: To activate your deeper abdominal muscles, draw your belly button towards your spine.

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