To get ill. What can be worse? To get ill in the summer!

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

If we take for granted the theory that we are all settlers of a Naked Water Ape, then my poor monkey is sick. Now I have been trying for the fourth day to conquer the fever, which inexorably thrashes my poor monkey, leaving my spirit to regret that it took so little care of this sweet little animal.

Since no events in my life are foreseen, which I could try to avoid using psychosomatics, I must admit that I either caught a cold or a virus. Where I caught it - remains a mystery to me ... I almost did not go anywhere.

I'm more inclined to the version with the virus. The fact is that a friend of mine told me how recently she suddenly felt sick at the bus stop, because she suddenly had a fever.

Hot weather played a cruel joke with me. For two days out of four, I thought I was feeling bad because of the heat. It's good that in the end I guessed to measure the temperature and found that it was above 39 degrees!

Given the summer heat, we all need to be more attentive to the signals of our body. 

Take care of yourself!


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Thanks for great valuable post.. I appreciate this life...

How sad to see it so sickly, it made me very sad to see him so helpless
we wait for a quick recovery you are strong <3