Ep. 7: 10 Reasons I Refuse To Vaccinate Myself Or My ChildsteemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  7 years ago 

I would not take any vaccine they offer. Nor would I vaccinate my child. This topic is more important than ever before because they're trying to eliminate vaccine exemptions. If successful, no kid would be allowed to go to school unless they're vaccinated. Currently, in most states, you can opt out of vaccines for religious or personal reasons, depending on which state you live in. They're taking away our medical freedom and it's important we fight back!

Therefore, I've listed 10 reasons I refuse to vaccinate myself or my child:

  1. No cumulative studies
  2. Vaccines aren't adequately tested
  3. No vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies
  4. Adjuvants
  5. Autism cover up (vaxxed)
  6. Government Conspiracy
  7. Vaccines Are Based On a Flawed Theory
  8. Vaccines are Harmful and Dangerous
  9. Pharmaceutical Companies Aren't Liable For Vaccine Damage
  10. Big Pharma Fraud

1. No Cumulative Studies On The Vaccine Schedule

This is a big shocker. It's hard for people to believe. There aren't any studies on the cumulative effects of all the vaccines in the current schedule. Want proof?

No Cumulative Vaccine Studies

You can see the complete report here. There you have it. A huge proponent for vaccines admitting in the report that it's the "first to attempt to examine the entire childhood immunization schedule as it exists today." That means they've been enforcing a vaccine schedule that hasn't been studied for safety!

This was just a meta study. A meta study studies the previous studies available. Since there are none a meta study is close to useless. That's why they said it's their first "attempt." This study is basically a joke, especially considering the importance of a real one being done.

It's easy to see that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) is pro-vaccine because the report is pro vaccine throughout the article. They even state they found no evidence of major safety concerns. There's just that one line that tells us a very important fact. They've put almost no effort into studying the safety of the vaccine schedule they've been pushing for decades. The same time period autism has seen a huge increase in occurrence.

This single reason is enough for me to refuse vaccines. This is a huge error on their part. Too big to be accidental. The vaccine schedule has never been shown to be safe!

2. Vaccines Aren't Adequately Tested

Not only are there no studies of the cumulative effects of vaccines, the studies they actually do are still inadequate. The gold standard for FDA drug testing is double-blind placebo controlled studies. This isn't the case for vaccines. They claim it's "unethical." How is it ethical to vaccinate people but not ethical to test it for safety?

3. No Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Studies

To prove vaccinated kids are healthier than unvaccinated kids, which is the essential goal, they should study the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated...but they don't! Sure there are some small studies, mostly outside of the US. But there is no definitive study showing vaccinated kids are significantly healthier than unvaccinated kids in America. There is no proof vaccinated kids are healthier than unnvaccinated kids.

With all the data mining going on and complete loss of privacy, as well as the seemingly infinite amount of fiat currency the government can create in computer system backed by nothing, I think they could figure out how to get the studies done if they wanted to. They probably have done the studies but won't report it because they show the unvaccinated kids to be healthier. Trust me, if they had solid data to prove vaccinated kids are healthier, we'd all know about it. The truth is, they're not.

4. Adjuvants

Adjuvants are put into vaccines to stimulate an immune response. They're toxic. That's what they're their for. They're meant to grab the immune system's attention. The body needs the stimulation because it's not normal for pathogens to enter your body via a needle.

They tell us the adjuvants are safe. For example, they say the ethylmercury in the thimerosal preservative found in the flu shot is excreted out of the body faster than the methylmercury found in the environment, such as in fish. While they admittedly don't have definitive data on the comparitive toxicology between the two different types of mercury, the FDA considers them equivelent in its risk evaluation.

FDA Lacks Mercury Safety Data For Vaccines screenshot image

Click here to see the full page on the FDA's website

Though they don't have definitive scientific studies comparing the toxicity between the two types of mercury, they're going to assume they're the same. The article goes on to mention one study that suggests the ethylmercury is excreted faster than they expect methylmercury to be excreted. They don't say that it is excreted faster. They only say it was excreted faster than they'd expect methylmercury to be excreted. That means they didn't test it and compare it the two. They're just guessing. And this guesswork has lead thousands of people to assume ample research has been done in this field, though it has not.

For more information about mercury in vaccines, see our post by clicking here.

5. Autism Cover-up

It's pretty easy to tell vaccines can cause autism. We've all heard about a possible link between the two. They'd like us to believe that they looked into it thoroughly and found no link. We have far too many people reporting their kids regressing into autism immediately after receiving a shot, particularly the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).

Senior CDC epidemiologist, Dr. William Thompson, co-authored and published studies regarding the MMR vaccine in 2004. In 2014 he turned into a whistleblower and came forward admitting he went along with concealing critical data for the CDC. The concealed data showed a link between vaccines and autism, particularly in African-American boys. Watch this short video to hear more of the story. If they're lying about vaccines causing autism, what else are they lying about?

6. Government Conspiracy

This one may be hard to swallow. I won't be able to do the topic justice in just a few paragraphs. It's hard for people to accept they're being lied to on such a major scale. Once you've done enough research to realize there actually is a huge conspiracy going on it's much easier to believe vaccines are a bad thing. Vaccines fit right into the conspirators' agenda to control the population.

Big pharma doesn't want healthy people. They make their money off of sick people. There's a conflict of interest there. Plus, some of the most powerful people in the world want to reduce the population.

Population Control

We've all heard the words "population control" before. Maybe there's a reason why. Why would it be such a popular phrase but have no real meaning in real life? It's a touchy topic that some people have strong feelings for. It's not far fetched to think that the people holding the majority of the world's wealth could care less about us common people. Even many common people feel there's already too many people on Earth, and that we need to control the population.

Thomas Malthus was concerned about overpopulation in the early 1800's and wrote about it in his books. His ideas continue to influence people today. These people that believe in population control keep thinking if we get to x number of people society will collapse. But every time we reach that high of a population nothing happens. So then the next generation of population control believers just raise the number saying if we reach that number we're all doomed. A good example of this is John Holdren.

John Holdren co-authored a book in the 70's called Ecoscience. He advocated extreme measures to control the population in this enormous book. Here's just a few of his ideas:

  • Compulsory abortions would be legal
  • Single mothers should have their babies taken away by the government; or they could be forced to have abortions
  • Adding a sterilant to the water supply and staple foods
(Check out this article that shows you quotes from the book and see for yourself.)

Holdren called for taking immediate action in the 70's because "210 million now is too many and 280 million in 2040 is likely to be much too many." As you can see, we're well past 280 million people. He was wrong.

What Is John Holdren Doing Today?

You'd think John Holdren would be in a loony bin right now. Not only was he wrong on his predictions, he suggested adding sterilants to our food and water! I wouldn't want to eat dinner at his house, to say the least. This guy has no respect for others' lives. What is he doing today? Obama appointed him as his senior advisor on science and technology! The guy who thought 280 million people in America is "much too many" is now running the science and technology in this country?

Opponents of water fluoridation and GMOs claim they both cause infertility. Sound familiar? Just like we're supposed to believe all the "anecdotal" stories of vaccine injuries are "coincidences," we're supposed to believe it's a coincidence that fluoride and GMOs may cause infertility and Holdren advocated putting sterilants in the food and water 40 years ago? He wrote about doing it, Obama later appointed him to run the science and technology, and now infertility is at an all-time high but the masses refuse to make the connection.

7. Vaccines Are Based On a Flawed Theory

Pathogens enter the body through the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes. It's pretty simple to understand why. Our immune systems are set up to catch the pathogens at those entry points. Vaccines bypass that whole system by being injected into the body. Therefore the immune system doesn't readily recognize it as an invader. That's why they have to add the adjuvants to the vaccine. It's to stimulate an immune response. If the adjuvants aren't harmful, why do they trigger a strong immune response?

Injecting people with known neurotoxins is bad science. They shouldn't be doing it without tons of solid science showing us it's safe. Though they act like the science exists, it doesn't. On top of all that, the foundation of the principles of vaccination is terribly flawed. That's not how pathogens enter the body - through a needle. It's probably just an excuse to inject us with harmful substances. If we ate them they'd be far less harmful because the immune system would be on it and we have an entire detoxification system in place to protect us by filtering out the toxins. The aluminum in vaccines is far more harmful than if eaten.

8. Vaccines are Harmful and Dangerous

Vaccines are harmful. All of them! Even if you don't notice any negative reactions, you're burdening your body with toxins that don't belong there. The accumulation of toxins contribute to sickness and disease. Just one vaccine can be enough to send some people over the edge, never to be normal again.

Vaccine manufacturers would like for us to think the only side effects from vaccines are small, such as swelling. Vaccines can cause all kinds of health problems. The manufacturers admit this in the package inserts that come with the vaccines. Doctors practically never show their patients the inserts nor do they tell them about the risks listed therein. Patients are supposed to give informed consent. But how can they if the doctors don't inform them of all the risks?

There is a growing amount of people claiming they were fine until they got the vaccine. Now that we all have internet, video cameras in our phones, youtube, and social media, the word can travel freely. Far too many people have been hurt by vaccines to believe they're safe. The evidence is overwhelming. It's just mostly on the Internet because the mainstream media won't cover the story.

The pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines also control the TV, because they fund TV with their ads. That's why we don't hear the other side of the story. But things are changing. People are connected via the Internet and there's too much evidence to ignore. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received over 200,000 reports since 1990, and only a small fraction of adverse reactions are reported. Plus vaccine victims have been awarded billions of dollars in a secret vaccine court. Vaccine injury cases are handled differently from any other business.

9. Pharmaceutical Companies Aren't Liable For Vaccine Damage

Vaccine Manufacturers Aren't Liable For Damages

Pharmaceutical companies aren't liable for the vaccines they produce. There is no financial incentive to make them safer. If it's costs more to make them safer, there's a financial incentive avoid doing so. Normally you can sue the business that harms you. With complete immunity vaccine manufacturers aren't inclined to focus on vaccine safety. Corporations have only one motive - to make profits. If they were liable for damages caused there would be an incentive to ensure their products are safe.

10. Big Pharma Fraud

Time after time pharmaceutical companies get caught committing fraud. These are criminal operations. We wouldn't want some street drug dealer injecting children with known neurotoxins, even if they said it was safe. So why do we allow pharmaceutical drug dealers to? Because the pharmaceutical companies that produce the vaccines and also tests them says they're safe? Even though they've been caught committing fraud in the past? As with any criminal, for every time they get caught there are many times they get away with it. Here's 7 examples of fraud from the pharmaceutical industry.

End Vaccination Until Adequate Studies Have Been Done

End Vaccination Until Schedule Is Tested

The truth will soon be common knowledge. Something needs to be done to stop vaccination, at least until they're proven to be safe. Contact your state representatives and senate. Keep educating yourself on the hidden truth about vaccines.

The way we're going to make change is by a grassroots movement. That's why it's so important to share this type of information with others. The mainstream news propaganda won't. If you've found this to be helpful, please share it so others can too.

Stay tuned as we move forward during these uncertain times. Sign up for our newsletter below and receive your free ebook!

Resources For Vaccination Info

The following resources were mentioned in the podcast and are highly recommended.

Books About Vaccines

Documentaries About Vaccines

(Disclaimer: If you click on one of these links and buy something I may receive an affiliate commission. I would only link to something I think you'll get a tremendous benefit from. Your support helps us continue to spread awareness on important topics like this.)
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I was told that if I called you a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist I could get a check from Pfizer.

Yes! Join us on Twitter! we need more informed, woke people debating vaccines.

Great information. You can never have enough posts about the dangers of vaccines and the criminals trying to force them onto you. Resteeming to get this into more peoples line of sight.

Thanks! You're right. They push vaccines on babies starting on the day they're born. Poor babies have no chance of defending themselves or opting out. And most parents just trust the doctors and nurses, who don't know much about vaccines.

Thanks celsius100 , got to see this from your resteem and I am posting the link to another platform.


I just posted about my dilemma regarding vaccines, my feonsay is due to have our baby in 6 months and I'm just not sure if vaccines/jabs are a good idea... I'm kind of thinking maybe some jabs may be important while others completely unnecessary.. I just can't figure it out.

I can tell you with confidence that the Hep B vaxx, given at day one of life is completley unnecessary, Babies are not having sex or sharing needles (the main ways hep b is contracted)
There is a Ped in Oregon who wrote a book called the vaccine friendly plan, it doesn't follow the CDC schedule and spreads then vaccines out. At lot has to do with the mothers health, and what kind of toxins where passed onto the fetus making the child susceptible to adverse reactions. If I were you I would watch Vaccines Revealed or the the Truth about vaccines

OK I will check these out. Yes I was made aware of the hep B thing the other day, virtually zero rational reason to offer this vaccine at that age

The link to The Truth About Vaccines is at the bottom of my post. Educating yourself is the best thing you can do. Only through education will you be confident in your decision. Most people just blindly trust doctors and nurses, but it's the blind leading the blind.

We haven't given my daughter ANY vaccines. Instead, we give her good nutrition. I find it weird that they push vaccines so hard, and ignore nutrition. We feed her probiotics, medicnal mushrooms, elderberry syrup and gummies, and lots of other stuff. She's noticeably healthier than other kids, and was way more aware as a baby.

I had never heard about John Holdren.

Cool! That's why I mentioned him. It's scary that lunatics like him somehow are put in powerful positions. That's why I mention him.

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