medicinal plants

in health •  8 years ago 


Benefits of Haji Pakis Plant. Haji's pilgrimage habits resemble palms, but in fact it is very far kinship. This resemblance comes from the arrangement of its leaflets arranged in pairs. All the pilgrims have two homes (dioecious) so there are male and female plants. Pollen is produced by male plants from large conifers growing from the tip of the stem. Leaf-like female apparatus with seeds growing from the side. Females grow from the sidelines of the leaf's armpits. Although he is called a "fern", and his young leaves are also circular as true ferns, hajj ferns are not at all a member of the plant


Fern also has a fairly good nutritional content, which works to boost immunity, accelerate wound healing, and can prevent degenerative diseases. Five fern flower sticks only boiled with water, or mixed like vegetables in cooking. As for treating skin diseases, fern leaves are lubricated and affixed to the disease and silenced for several minutes. Consuming fern is also not too excessive


The benefits of this plant in general are .... treat wounds

  1. to boost immunity
    3.To prevent rheumatic diseases
    5.Increase bone growth
    6.To improve the metabolic processes of body tissues.


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Medicinal plant are good for our health and it is best for home remedies.

