Benefits of Red Onion To Treat Tonsils

in health •  7 years ago 


Hello ... steemian friend this time I will share tips for our health all, that is about plants that we always consume and we meet every day in our daily lives. Because in general we always think trivial little thing, but from small things that cause great things. Therefore on this occasion I will discuss about onion plants or also can be called with Allium cepa L


Kingdom: Plantea
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Superdivisio: Spermatophyta
Divisio: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Familia: Liliaceae
Genus: Allium
Species: Allium cepa L. Var. Anggregatum



Red Onion must be familiar to us all and very easy to find. Because as we know onion is commonly used as a cooking spice. Red onion is often a mandatory condiment on cooking, because onion becomes a kind of flavor enhancer for cooking or made fried onions to complement the dishes. But did you know that red onion can we use more than as a spice cook.
Some of the mothers use it as a febrifuge and colds in infants and toddlers as well as rubbing medicine during the cold to mature.

Content of Onion
Red Onion is a nutrient-dense food which means low calorie and high beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, also in a cup of red onion contains about:
• 64 calories
• 15 grams of carbohydrates
• 0 grams of fat
• 0 grams of cholesterol
• 3 grams of fiber
• 7 grams of sugar
• 2 grams of protein and 10%
• More than daily requirement of vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and manganese
• Has a certain amount of calcium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium quercetin and sulfur antioxidants.
This high nutritional content makes red onion effective to treat tonsils without surgery, this is because onion has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation. Along with the anti-bacterial properties in it, the onion is able to destroy the bacteria that cause the infection of the tonsils. Also Read Anyang Anyangan Drugs


How To Make Red Onions To Treat Tonsils
Before making a red onion to treat tonsils note the following points so that treatment using onion can be more effective.
Try to keep onions in a clean and onion consumption that has dry skin. Because there are some sellers who sell red onion still wet.
• Choose red onions that have a sharper odor because the endurance will also be longer than the onion that smells rather sweet. This sharp odor on the onion contains under the preservatives derived from natural compounds of the onion itself.
• Store red onions in temperatures away from direct light effects and stored in adequately ventilated rooms. Read also Uric Acid Medication
• Store onions on non-metallic containers. Because when stored in containers derived from metal, the content of red onion lost, so it can eliminate the taste and efficacy when used as a treatment material.
• If also keep the potatoes, try to put in a place away with onions. Because onions can damage the benefits of potatoes by absorbing the moisture of the gas that is adal in the potato. Therefore, onions and potatoes need to be kept away from damage to each other, as well as for their respective content to be utilized properly.
Benefits Of Red Onion To Treat Tonsils - How to make a red onion to treat tonsils without surgery are:

  1. Chewed
    Take 1-2 cloves of onion then peel and clean it so that no residual skin and dirt are attached, then directly in the chew and in swallow or in potongh first then chew and swallow. Do it twice a day. Also Read TBC Child Drugs
  2. Drunk
    Clean 2-3 cloves of onion and then cut into 2/3 parts and boiled in enough water, boil until boiling, remove and drain and drink the red onion cooking water, do 2x a day.
    Benefits of Red Onion To Treat Tonsils - Choose one way not both, if not a problem eating raw red onion then better just chewed.


Side Effects of Red Onion
Although not very serious, eating onions can cause problems for some people. Carbohydrates in onions can cause gas and bloating, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Onions, especially when consumed raw, may worsen heartburn in people suffering from chronic gastritis or gastric reflux disease, according to one 1990 study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Consuming a number of onions or increasing the consumption of onions may interfere with blood-thinning drugs, according to the University of Georgia. Green onions contain high amounts of vitamin K, which can decrease blood function.

Onions also allow for food intolerance or allergies to onions, but rare cases, according to an article in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. People who have an onion allergy may experience redness, itchy eyes and a rash if red onions come into contact with the skin. People with intolerance to onions may experience nausea, vomiting and other gastric discomfort. Also Read Stomach Problem Medication
In addition it also consumes too much red onion can cause headaches and also bad breath and body odor due to high levels of sulfur in the red onion.

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udah ya,,,bantu saya