10 amazing reasons for pregnancy failure

in health •  6 years ago 
  1. The lack of proper nutrients in your diet
    A simple change to increase the probability of pregnancy can start with the food and that is to bring changes to your plate foods. It is not only true for women who want to take children, but also important for men. Phillip Worthman, director of urologist and director of the Center for Mail Reproductive Medicine and Vascectomy Reversal, Los Angeles, California, said: "Antioxidants are known to fight with our free radicals.
    Free radical can cause cancer and other diseases, even male infertility can increase. Antioxidants have different sources, but among them sperm is best for health, zinc, vitamin C, selenium, vitamin E, folic acid, and lycopine. You can also accept these supplements, which can reduce the amount of damaged sperm. Dr. Worthman advised to reduce the soya, because the men who sow a lot of soya are more likely to lead to low sperm count than soy men.
  2. You have not tried enough
    Many of us spend the best part of their reproductive years without trying to become pregnant, so when they are finally ready to take the baby, then wonder with the fact that it takes time to conceive or fails. "Even 25-year-old couples also have a chance of pregnancy around 20 percent each month during the highest fertility of their lives," said Annette Brown, an attending physician of the Greenwich Hospital and NYU Medical Center in New York City.
    At the end of six months 60-80 percent of these couples and 12 months later 85-90 percent of couples get pregnancy. The remaining 10 percent of couples have the possibility to be consoled within the next one to two years, but after 12 months of good intercourse they should go to a reproductive endocrinologist. If you have regular periods and have enough time to consume, then consider yourself some months for consci Give time.
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  3. You are not having the right timing
    In fact, there is a short window or fertile window for a woman's consoles, which is fertile during that time. Dr. "The fertile window is six days from the time of ovulation until the day of ovulation. The most promising time to consult is the three days from the beginning of the observation to the day of ovulation. The women who are monitoring the ovulation kit and waiting for Smiley face or waiting for a change in temperature, the most likely time for their consolation is likely to be fractured. '
    He advises, if you have a regular predictable period, try using the ovulation kit to determine whether you are ovulating in every cycle, if you once understand that you are vulnerable at any time of the month, then by the time of evolution, timing intercourse or sexual intercourse Please. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle and the ovulelet is on the 14th day, you should have sex in the 10th, 12th and 14th centuries. Dr. Brown said, "If you can not calculate the time of ovulation, find a reproductive endocrinologist who can help you in this matter."
  1. You are too dependent on timing
    When you try Conisive, then timing is important, but it is also important to try the best way to conceive. According to David Diaz, reproductive endocrinopathic and endocrinologist of the Memorialclair Orange Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, timing sexual contact can cause unnecessary stress and may eventually cause marital conflict when sexual intercourse becomes routine work rather than happiness.
    Regular period women are usually produced in between 12 to 16 days after the start of the first period of the day, ovulate or egg production. Avoid metabolism and birth control in romance in child production.
  2. You do not have too much sexual intercourse
    If you are sexually explicit on certain days of the month, you may not be consoled. You only have a few days every month when you can become pregnant. A man's sperm can survive for five days in a woman, which means that she can become pregnant even though the woman does not have the necessary vigilance.
    Dr. Diaz said, "Many couples think that men should keep the sperm of men until the best fertile day of the cycle, but in reality the complete reversal can be true." The frequency of sexual intercourse is three to four times a week to increase the probability of pregnancy The common way. '
  3. You are very stressed
    Lyn Westfall, the director of Fertility Preservation and Third Party Reproduction and Future Family Advisor Lin Westfall, said, "Stress or stress can damage various parts of conservative efforts. Especially it affects the hypothalamus regulatory response, which affects the natural hormones required for ovulation. '
    He also said, 'The couple who are affected by high levels of stress, their sexism decreases, thereby reducing their sexual intercourse and reducing the possibility of pregnancy.' To reduce the level of your strokes, meditate, regular exercise, acupuncture, adequate sleep and healthy diet. Can continue.
  1. You smoke
    Because you do not smoke tobacco or marijuana, all of them can reduce fertility. Dr. Diaz said, "Marijuana can reduce sperm activity and decrease in sexual activity, due to which sexual intercourse decreases and the use of alcohol with Marijuana leads to more serious problems. Tobacco use can cause many chronic lungs, inhalation, and cardiovascular problems.
    Tobacco leaves and cigarette pepper burns produce harmful chemical by-product, which damages the egg, reduces the rate of pregnancy and increases the rate of pregnancy. 'Skip smoking to increase the probability of pregnancy.
  2. You drink excessive alcohol
    Some studies have shown that there is a consensus failure with plenty of alcohol drinking. Dr. Worthman said, 'It does not mean you will not be able to give full cocktails or alcohol (one or two drinks a day acceptable), but excessive drinking will harm your fertility, as well as overall health.' If you want to drink, wine Being the smartest option is because it will increase your weight less than beer or other hard locks and its little health There Caritat.
  3. You have extra weight
    There are many physical problems related to excess weight. Consistent failure of this also includes. There may be irregular periods of irregular periods, excessive weight loss, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, fat deposits in the liver, and hyperplasia in the uterus.
    Dr. Diaz said, "Obese women have an increased risk of high prevalence of risky pregnancy and increased risk of deaths." A study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology states that women who have more BMI than 40 were more likely to die of their baby than normal-normal women. By taking appropriate nutrition, performing exercise exercises, overweight control and overweight induced stress, you can solve additional weight problems. Dr. Diaz said, "We have appointed a Behavior Modification Specialist who helps guide our patient's use of helpful materials to reduce the hyper-motivated stress."
  4. You keep the laptop in the lap for a long time
    It may seem like an ageless story to you, but it has scientific truth. The high temperature (especially 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 37 degrees Celsius) can destroy the sperm. Dr. Worthman advised not to keep the laptop on the lap, to avoid the hot tub, and to not take too much hot bath to protect sperm from harmful temperatures.
    Sperm can cause damage to the heat produced by sitting at one place. Dr. Worthman said, 'Long-term position in a position (such as during working desk) increases the probability of skotal. It can be more intense if it lifts the laptop in the lap, which only produces more heat. So keep a computer on a desk and take a few minutes to sit back and sit down.


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