This vegetable has more strength than milk, strengthens bones to strengthen

in health •  7 years ago 

Feb 21, 2018


Sahajan's flower is effective in stomach and cough diseases

Its pods and leaves in the abdomen and the leaves are eyelid

Cytica and rheumatism etc. are beneficial
Consumption of health is very beneficial in terms of health. At this time, sociable can be seen in the vegetable market. You can make a vegetable in your home by bringing it to the market. By consuming it many diseases can be prevented from growing, its botanical name "Moriga Olifera", it is known in different places, with names like Sujana, Sanjan and Munaga. According to experts, Sahjan has four times calcium and doubly protein compared to milk.

Speaking of its medicinal properties, if the flower of Sahajan is effective in stomach and cough diseases, its fruit is beneficial in eye pelvis and abdominal pain and eyes disease, sprain, cytica and arthritis etc. There are some other benefits like this, which can be availed of by the beneficiaries of Sahjon's vegetable. Sahajan's vegetable can be made just like other seasonal vegetables. As well as being selfish, she also takes full care of your health.


Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C




Dietary fiber





Zinc and phosphorus are abundant.

Bone strengthens seepage

Due to high calcium content, it strengthens bones. According to a research, the more calcium you get from drinking a glass of milk, you can get calcium in a time-consuming vegetable. It is also very beneficial for children. Bone density is reduced due to its intake.

Diabetes is beneficial

Severe consumption of diabetes patients can prove to be very beneficial. Sahajan reduces blood sugar levels, which keeps diabetes control. Apart from this, it helps to increase the golbleder function, so that the zodiac control remains, so that you can lead a healthy life.

Purifies blood

It can be very beneficial for blood purification. Sahajan leaves have properties to purify blood, it also acts as a powerful full antibiotic agent. You can eat it as a juice or soup, it will benefit in skin-related diseases.

Correct digestion

In the sahajan, fiber is present in abundance, which strengthens and corrects digestive system. Its intake of intestines is thoroughly cleaned. Protein and carbohydrate present in secretion helps in correcting the stomach function. Thanks

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