Health: 6 food helps white teeth light

in health •  6 years ago 

There are some foods that help you easily get bright white teeth simply by eating them.

The carrot contains high water content that is made of bright white teeth. Thanks to the reproduction of the foam, the carrot helps to clean the food in the teeth and is trapped in deep teeth and teeth, while also enhancing the health of the gums.


This fruit is very tasty and healthy at the same time having teeth whitening effect. In fact, the strawberry contains malic acid which helps to remove stains on the tooth surface due to food oil and many foods containing spices. They also have antioxidants that prevent the teeth from attracting stains and bacteria.


There are many factors that cause harm to your teeth and calcium, phosphorus that is in the milky winter helps to take care of the enamel. This helps keep teeth white and shiny.


Bromelian, an anti-inflammatory factor and a cleansing in the pineapple helps clean white teeth.


As researchers of the dental School of Bauru in Brazil, iron in cauliflower can form anti-acid coatings on the tooth surface. This coating reduces exposure between food and acid beverages such as soda and tooth enamel.


Raisins and has sugar, it seems to be harmful to the teeth. But in fact, it can improve oral health. According to the study of the Illinois University, Oleanolic acid is found in the no-grain Thompson grape that prevents the development of two types of oral bacteria that are Streptococcus mutans that cause dental decay and Porphyromonas gingivalis induced periodontal disease. In addition, the oleanic acid also protects the teeth from plaque.

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