Why bother losing excess weight?

in health •  7 years ago 


  If we tend to eat rather more than we should, don’t do much exercise, and get gradually older we tend to find that our waistline increases gradually in girth and our weight also increases. Many people seem to accept this as a fact of life and just accept it. Some don’t seem to even consciously recognize it...But unless we take steps to try to reverse this process or at least halt it we will find that eventually our health suffers in one way or another.  This is because being overweight sets in motion certain physiological changes in the body that gradually lead to chronic health issues such as diabetes type two, cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke), osteoarthritis, back pain, and even some types of cancer such as breast. These chronic conditions obviously adversely affect one’s quality of life to a greater or lesser degree and can of course shorten one’s lifespan…  So the most important reason to lose weight if you are overweight is to enjoy a more active life and to help prevent chronic disease and an early death. If you think about it in those cold hard terms then losing excessive weight is probably worth it, right?  Then there are further reasons to avoid being overweight which can improve your quality of life… 

 As you lose excess weight you should notice an improvement in your personal appearance over time. Anyone will look more attractive without a gross belly or sagging chin. And if you do more physical exercise this can help give a leaner general shape to your body.


Those who want a better upper body appearance could try some weight lifting to build muscle. I would strongly suggest however starting slowly and carefully with this so as not to injure yourself. It is not necessary to go to extremes with weights in order to look fitter and more attractive. It may, however, be necessary to maintain the exercise regime in order to keep the sculpted body shape acquired.  With regular exercise comes the benefit of endorphin output and endorphins are brain chemicals which make you feel better. A hard, satisfying game of squash or tennis, for example, brings on a flood of feel good chemicals producing a natural “high”. When you know you look good you tend to also feel good and more self confident. This helps you be more sociable and able to make friends. It might also increase libido and certainly can improve one’s sex life.  By losing excess weight and doing more exercise you make your body stronger, and better able to resist stress as well as many infections such as colds. You tend to sleep better and generally feel able to cope with life and day to day problems.. If you are not sure if you’re overweight you can use an online body mass index (BMI) calculator which works out a ratio of height to weight. If your index figure is over 25 it indicates that you are carrying more4 than the ideal weight for your height. Alternatively you can just measure the circumference of your waist and then over 25 inches in a woman or over 40 in a man is reckoned to be an indication of being overweight. 


 I hope this gives you the motivation to check your own weight and, if necessary, do something about it. The sooner you do the better you will feel and function, and the longer you are likely to live. So few would argue surely that losing weight is not worth it?

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