Two Families Share Heartbreaking Stories of S.I.D.S. -- Death by Vaccines (VAXXED Stories from the Road)

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

Baby Anderson died of SIDS only 12 hours after his vaccinations on August 20, 2013. He had been totally healthy at his check-up earlier that day.

The Pediatrician only said, "Well, I gave three other babies their vaccinations that day and they were all fine."

The Coroner was the one who stepped up and reported the death to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.)

      Please Watch Anderson's Mom in Las Vegas (VaxXed Story)  SIDS/Vaccine Death (3 min. long)

Kari and Bryce Bundy's baby boy Mason was born 5 weeks early, but was healthy and normal. He got his first round of shots at 2-months old. He immediately started screaming 23 hours a day.

When they went back to the doctor 2 months later, the doctor bullied them into more vaccines. The baby had just been sick with RSV and the parents wanted to wait until he was better to get him vaccinated. The doctor told them, "If you don't get him vaccinated, you will be signing his death certificate from Whooping Cough." So Mason was vaccinated March 1st.

For the next 3 days he was calm, which was weird because he had just been screaming for 2 straight months.

He wouldn't make eye contact, he wouldn't respond, he would just look at the ceiling.

On the night of March 4th, Kari went to kiss his cheek and it was like an ice cube.

The week that he died, the day of his funeral, someone said, "Had he just been vaccinated?" Kari responded "F*k you for even asking that. How could you ask that? You're asking if I did it ... if I caused him to die?"

Kari explains that she thinks the reason there isn't as much said about parents that vaccinate and their child dies is we have this stigma, and we have this all guilt, because if we would have known better this never would have happened and we would still have a child.

"Oliver, my son who was born 2 years later and is unvaccinated, actually got whooping cough at a year old. So the very vaccine that killed Mason (DPT) was preventing the disease that my next son had and he was fine. It was hard to see that this illness that I so scared of, and didn't listen to my intuition, was not as scary as I had been led to believe. Oliver is very healthy."

     Please Watch the Bundy's in Indianopolis (VaxXed Story - 8 minutes)

Then we have this chilling tale of a Vaccine Research Nurse who has seen a baby died right after giving vaccines, but was told that it couldn't be related. She also has a vaccine injured child of her own.

 Please Watch Indiana Nurse Tells All  (VaxXed Story - 4 minutes)

Okay, so how could vaccination cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

Well, an Adverse Reaction listed on almost every Vaccine Package Insert is Apnea. Apnea simply means that breathing has stopped.

Dr Viera Scheibner, PhD, of Australia, did a scientific study of SIDS, and episodes of sleep apnea and shallow breathing, measured before and after DPT vaccination by using a breathing monitor that her and her husband had developed. Their data shows a great increase in breathing problems for months after vaccination. Her conclusion was that,

"vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths."

   Read more about Dr. Viera Scheibner's study by clicking link below:

For More Vaccine Injury Stories please visit my Blog @canadian-coconut

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It's amazing to me that people aren't more skeptical about vaccines. These are pharmaceutical drugs administered through injection, in many cases to babies with undeveloped immune systems. The media has done a fantastic job of silencing anyone who speaks up by labeling them a "quack" or "science denier."

People act like the vaccines are only saline solution with a bit of dead virus. They act as though preventing measles or rotavirus or chickenpox is so important that we should never, ever question what we might be getting in place of that illness. Somehow to them life-long auto-immune conditions like arthritis, asthma and skin disorders and deadly food allergies (ie peanuts) are better than having a rash and a fever for a week. They are so afraid of dying from chickenpox that they find it acceptable to live a life of poor health without vibrancy.
For me, I don't want to be so afraid of dying that I give up my quality of life. There are better and safer ways of coping with the fever and rash that comes with measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox.

Indeed. The risk of known side-effects are abundant....they don't tell you why they occur. Why does apnea occur? I would say that was pretty vital information to anyone considering giving a vaccine to their child. If you don't know the answer, how could you possibly quantify the risk? Russian Roulette time again.

ugh every time I read death/injury stories it makes me so sad and tear up. I could never dream of putting that garbage into my little pure angels. I freak out if they have sugar lol. My children have never been sick and I believe it's because they've had their immune system untampered with and allowed to be developed as nature intended.

Yes, I tear up too. I won't stay silent. These stories need to be told and heard.

I feel so sorry for these mothers who thought they were doing the right thing and protecting their child. I lost a son because of the pertussis vaccine so I can relate to how they feel. The grief is tremendous.

Oh, that is horrible. I am so sorry that happened to your precious son.