
in health •  6 years ago 

First of all, as most of you know, I want to talk about the harm of smoking on our lungs. Cigarette smoke enters our body by breathing. For this reason, it is in contact with our lungs first. Exactly for this reason, our body is most affected by cigarettes and causes severe illness. Lung cancer is the leading cause of illness caused by the removal of this harmful body from the body. This is followed by pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammatory lung diseases.

People give various answers to this question. We can list them as follows;

Being a pleasant and enjoyable influence,
Strese is good to come against,
Being patient is better,
Having a relaxing effect,
Concentration increase,
People offer too many answers and excuses, apart from the items I gave in the above order. These are among the reasons for the greatest multiplier and multiplication.


He drinks it every day. Now we can see that the world is smoking 12-13 years old. How do these people start smoking?

Extreme curiosity and interest,
Growth feeling
In general, there are these reasons, people start smoking. It is possible to start and addictions.


Six million people in the world are losing their lives from cigarettes. This means that in 10 seconds someone lost their life.

A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day sends 600 nicotine strokes to the brain of the day.

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You need to get your facts rights.

Here are some hints so you can get things straight.

  1. What is the cost to society of tobacco use compared to alcohol? How many smokers have a cigarette then go home and beat their wife? Or run their car into another car with a family of four inside. Most studies of the cost of alcohol look at health problems and lost work. They leave out the cost to other people and the cost of prison sentences. Alcohol's cost to society is huge!

  2. In the 1960's 85% of Americans smoke. Today it is around 22%. Case of lung cancer have gone through the roof. How do you explain that?

  3. Which of the following is most likely to cause pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammatory lung diseases? Pot or tobacco? My God! Pot smokers inhale deeply into their lungs, and HOLD IT THERE!

  4. How many carcinogens are found in cigarettes? The answer is 1000's. Now, how many cacogenics are found in tobacco? Hint: it is not 1000's. How do you explain that?

  5. To say smoking cigarettes lead to bad health problems is true just like saying eating strawberries and apples lead to bad health problems even cancer and many other serious health problems. Do a little research on why strawberries and apples are the most unhealthy items in any produce department and you know why cigarettes are dangerous, but not tobacco.