Allow me to explain to you, your right to use cannabis, and how the constitution protects your right to use cannabis to self medicate and treat yourself for any of the various diseases that it can heal, offer protection, and cure. The fact is that people are interested in cannabis more and more these days because of the ultimate healing power of the marijuana plant. I always say that the Bible, and especially the King James Version Bibles, talked about a healing plant offering 12 different fruits, and that in Revelations states that its leaves would be used for the healing of an entire nation. I personally believe that it is talking about the marijuana plant after studying this topic fervently for the last 12 years or longer, and that medical marijuana should be legal in all 50 states.
Allow me to make this clear - you should not be hindered by law, to self-medicate, heal, or cure a disease that is caused you for living on this earth. You should be protected in doing so, and in healing 100% the foundation of your ailments and what stops you today, is law and regulations made opposing the law of the people to be able to self-medicate and directly heal their own bodies. When something out there "can" heal you, you should be allowed to do whatever is necessary and not be stopped by provisions that the law makes under the guise of being able to help you in other ways.
We see these ways are through pharmaceuticals, and this is through pharmacology, and pharmakeia - which is recognized in the Bible as idolatry and using witchcraft and magic over natural healing agents that the word has already made. Remember that marijuana wasn't always illegal and that 100 years ago we were using cannabis in almost everything in ways that it should have been able to be used throughout history. It's only reasons why it was made illegal is because it suppressed oil companies, cotton, and other commodities that are actually harming our bodies, hurting the ozone layer and other things that are making life more difficult for people and not making our world a safer place. I believe that marijuana, if used properly, can be safe and effective in treating multiple diseases that we are currently faced with today including Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression and even Aids patients. Things like Crones disease and some types of Cancer can be treated safely and even cured 100% if used properly. Not to mention that we can use the oils to make plastics, metals, glass and other material that is stronger and safer than that of the petrodollar and we can heal a nation from what is suppressing us. For the most part, the system in place, is suppressing people from healing and from being able to self-medicate and even find curing 100% possible in their lives today.
We have provision of law stated here that we should be able to protect our bodies from ANY diseases and use cannabis to do so. Just go here:
CannaSense found here:
Today we have cannabis supporters worldwide that want this to be made legal, so here I am going to share CannSense with you, which is a business that allows for the shipment of cannabis to your door in all 50 states. It is a charity funded organization that helps with Cancer research; children's needs, legal defense, hospital care and veterans needs and much more. Now the clause on being able to ship cannabis was first "regulated" where the term regulate meant to allow to be made regular or to continue the growth of. It wasn't as though it is no; to control, to stifle, hinder you, or inhibit you from making something regular, which is the common terminology of the word regulate today. So, the original meaning of words can influence different court decisions and we as a people need to understand our own history of the words that we use before they terminate their true meanings with the Blacks Law Dictionary that make original words that we use mean things for their own clauses that keep us in a state of dependence and an essential slavery. The 9th Amendment guarantee's the retention of all non-in-numerated rights. So, the "Bill of Rights," is a list of rights that we know that we have but we're writing them down and in-numerating them. And, the 9th Amendment right guarantee's the list of all the other rights that we have that are outside of the ones that are specifically mentioned in the list that is your "Bill of Rights." In other words, though they aren't listed in that document, they still cannot be violated. Many of which are currently being violated and ever suppressed for lack of better words because it poses a direct threat to the pharmaceutical industries and the money that these people can and will make off of people that believe that pharmacology is the answer to all of mans problems and the science gives people the answer to all that ails us or limits us from reaching our fullest potentials. Essentially, I believe, that they are in violation of of our own laws and the writs that are meant to protect us, are either being ignored or just skipped over, to protect the people that want us to live in a constant state of slavery essentially, and get no break from the kinds of ailments and diseases that we as a people can endure. One of our rights, is the right to heal one's self with medication. So basically we are at a draw where we either ship cannabis into states, or we grow in states that don't allow us to grow and yet, we have the natural right to access of our medication and the culture of cannabis users and cannabis supporters understand this, it's like when the culture of a people grow vastly in favor of something, you can see the laws changing, and all the laws right now are changing in our favor, they aren't going backwards anymore. We the people are pressing for the change that we wish to see in our world and our voices together can make a substantial difference to people where we care about diseases, we care about all the possibilities of these things, and we care a lot about healing powers that can be made so with the cannabis becoming legal today. Today, the culture sees that cannabis is not a drug, and isn't a danger to people like those of cigarettes and alcohol. So, while these things are legal, and marijuana is not even a threat to our nation in the ways that alcohol is and cigarettes are, why is it still illegal in a lot of states? It doesn't make any sense truthfully, and the narratives that they are creating to demonize marijuana are wrong to studies across the board of pseudo-sciences everywhere. Marijuana, when used properly, can heal you, can cure you 100% and can even make things possible that you wouldn't ever even know were possible, but are plausible to a wide variety of people calling out for the legalization of the product. I even think that smoking the dried cannabis as known as THC can also be good for you, and not bad or causing chemical addictions as though it states as being a "gateway drug." It's not any more of a gateway to harder drugs than that of alcohol or public school systems. Just peers and people that are wishing to do harder street drugs, do street drugs and think that it's cool these days to do so. It's not! And, it's starting to also be more accepted that it is not cool meaning more and more people are staying away from hard drugs like crack; cocaine and meth amphetamines.
Moving forward here, under the commerce clause it doesn't apply to the citizens, not to mention that CannaSense is a non-profit entity, where instead they are a collective and not a dispensary, so - they don't even qualify as being commerce. We have an endogenous cannabinoid system within our own bodies, which is a system to where we have a "network" within our own bodies that keep all of our cells functioning at the highest capacity that it can, and that system is called the "endo-cannabinoid" system. We have receptors that go to places within our bodies that harness pain, inflammation or cancer and they wait for cannabinoids to show up and our bodies produce cannabinoids ourselves. They are called "endogenous cannabinoids" that our own bodies produce. But, if we have a deficiency, much like that of a vitamin deficiency, we have to get them from the plant and they are fibers essentially that the marijuana mimics just like our own bodies mimic these fibers. These are called "indo-cannabinoids" when they come from the plant.
Basically, we were designed with an amazing system within our own bodies that was designed to keep us healthy and well, and when we have deficiencies we aren't well. And, this caused me to do lots of research on these things that I was running into, and I started to study things that were in my family to see if cannabinoids, if used properly, could have healed my families ailments from the beginning of time, and sure enough - what I discovered is fascinating. I found that heart disease could have been made with indogeounous materials that the cannabis plant creates instead of plastics and other foreign metals, these are foreign to our bodies chemistry. Our bodies don't recognize these and keeps people in pain. I studied Multiple Sclerosis where the bodies misfiring of their nerves and nervous systems are shot, and need the healing plant like material, and an unsmoked version of cannabinoids, these fibers, within their bodies to make up for the misfiring of their nerves causing them to reduce the speed and the amount of these shock feeling that Multiple Sclerosis causes. Essentially slowing these feelings of pain down and I believe would eventually stop the pain in complete ways, to where a person with Multiple Sclerosis today, could be completely free, and able to walk again, and able to enjoy life again as though they want to. They could be able to run again, and not feel like running out of their own skin, basically. And, that is amazing!
I also found that with Alzheimer disease that marijuana protects the memories, although a person smoking marijuana very infrequently can become slower and less functional, a person who is a avid smoker can become much more functional and can even become much more creative with smoking marijuana. But, here I am talking about a juiced marijuana component rather than a smoked variation of the plant. I'm talking about eating raw cannabis and how it helps the mind. I can't say, or take claim that it would heal a person with Alzheimer disease, but I can say that it would protect the cells of the mind, and the misfiring of the minds thoughts can conduct more appropriately where they have the fibers that the body is chemically looking for to keep them acting as young as they once could. The idea here is that marijuana actually protects the memories. You are told so many times that marijuana affects the memory in ways that is bad. Sure, when smoked marijuana can slow down the mind, but not that of a natural drink that has no value what-so-ever that mimics "getting high" would mimic. It's actually 100% good for all of the cells within your body, and your body needs them, and are searching for them, even from a normal person without a disease of any kind, is searching for these fibers within your bodies chemistry. And, this is another amazing finding that I've also come across. It's amazing to me, and I fully believe that cannabis can heal people that have things such as dementia and Alzheimer disease and cure them completely. I don't believe the narratives that we are learning from public schools and from the law as we know it is today, stopping people from getting 100% cures, rather they are stifling cures and healing potentials for something that is from the Bible as idolatry and pharmakeia.
I don't believe in pharmakeia or pharmacology, simply because it seems as though it's all about money, and not about healing or curing anything. I believe in healing, and I also believe in a world that is cured completely from all diseases. I believe the Bible, and in that nothing is impossible for God, and our prayers with God. I believe, in that sense that, all things are possible. Those that are possible to an omnipotent God, are possible for mankind. He made you in His image, we didn't make God. I believe that the government is about mind-control, and who wants to control your mind more than AntiChristian ideologies of mankind where there is no God, and there is no Heaven. I believe in God and I believe in Heaven, which also deemed me in a mental hospital to be "sick." When who is really sick? These people are sick. They can let children believe in Santa clause, super heroes and man-made idols but we as a people aren't allowed to believe in a God? How un-human is it that we can believe in fairy tales and even tell our children that it's okay, and take them away from us when we get old. I guess lying is now acceptable and telling the truth isn't. As in my Bible, the Lord is the truth, and the Lord is "love." So, the things that make humanity become more unified, we are instead dividing, instead of multiplying or increasing in numbers? This to me also doesn't make sense. We should be multiplying and not splitting further and further apart.
I started to find out more about the prohibition of marijuana, and I started to write and study things like crazy, and simply because I felt that I was being stifled as a man, where I am led into many situations where money wasn't allowed to me, my home was ripped out from me by thugs and even my own landlord that told other people to help get rid of me and that they would be paid for doing things to me to hurt me. And, when I heard these things, and it was my word against theirs, and my own police departments didn't care to protect me, I just thought that it was evil at the time, and that I felt abused of my human right to be protected. Much of the same feeling goes today, where I'm still being treated similarly to that of a criminal, even though I am of sound mind and body, and don't like putting unnatural things in my body. Though I love coca-cola classic, and I'm a pop drinker, I don't know what is in those things, and think it's the main thing in my life that hurts me. I used a lot of my energy to study things that made sense to me, because I was on fire in my studies, and finding things that nobody really knew about. They say, I'm a loser. They say, I don't know what I'm talking about. They say a lot of things that didn't make any sense to me, and even was hurting me emotionally to say these things with the kinds of things that I was coming across and finding on a daily basis. I didn't understand how a people could be so tricked by the world when who wants to give you "free will?" None other than the best Father you could ever have. Our Father who art in heaven.
Basically, I was feeling that I was doing the right things and that I was constantly praying for these things because I was feeling told by my heart that I needed to continue and pressing for the knowledge in the medical field of cannabis, so that people just had an alteration of mind when it came to these things. I believed in the saying, "God made pot, man made beer - who do you trust?" I loved that saying because it's true. The plant that is here today, that was made by a God, when God created the earth and in the beginning of Genesis, says, "He looked back, and saw that it was good." Those are key words here when it comes to marijuana as well. The earth and everything that He made was good. Also, there are many other parts of the Bible that I believe even the most studious of Christians are forgetting. They are reading it as though they are more informed than you. And, even in the Bible this thought is wrong. It states that all are created as equals, it states that even the most righteous of us all are seen as dirty rags, so I didn't think that I had any less of a chance of knowing the truth than anyone else did, and I wanted to study these things and become fervent in my studies about them. I wanted people to know the truth that was going on there, where instead of being a loser, I was somebody! I wasn't going to take that I was nobody for trying a little pot, and doing things in a way where I was just a confused kid trying to fit in, and that I wanted to study what that life was really doing to me. And, I don't think that it made me any less of a person than anyone else is. In fact, I believe that it made me more of a person, in the sense that I discovered things that people were just not willing to side with.
They believe their media, and the fictional schools, the system and what they are telling you rather than studying facts and knowing there is a truth here that is yet to be discovered. And, they came from the words within my own Bible that threw me on for a loop.
My sister was in utter pain, and has said that she just wanted to die because her last surgery was bringing her into tears, she could hardly walk and I was looking for a pain solution for her, and I found that medical marijuana could benefit her pain and even heal her pains that she was having. I also found that her heart could have been working just like my own, and many others did, and wouldn't need a pace-maker at all. I was hurt by what I was finding out, because - they tell me that it's just too late for her, and I didn't want to believe this information. I believed the words in the Bible that anything is possible to God. Anything that I asked for, so I asked, and I prayed and kept praying. What I found out too is that faith from other people were broken where I was concerned, because people were paying attention to this worldly narrative rather than their own Bibles, or their own families. As long as it came from a science that doesn't truly care about its people - people buy into it, spend money on it, and place their bottom dollars on their help, but when it comes to people in their own families, their Bibles and the belief of the words that are said in there, no one wants to believe it. But, I am assured that I meant just as much to the quality of life, and more - than that of a people making money for health care, where I wasn't making money... I was just looking for a holistic healing property that could help not only my sister, but my family and the rest of the world hurting in diseases that I felt don't need to be hurting at all. I believed in healing of a nation, and I believed that it was free. So, I studied on, and I knew that I was onto something, even if people thought of it as crazy, or as non-conventional... I knew that I cared more about these people then their doctors ever could... And, I do. I do care more.
What we are doing today, is watching under a microscope the killing of cancer cells in the body, while leaving other normal cells alone. Chemotherapy isn't treating people rather it's hurting the cancer cells and the healthy cells as well, and is why you see cancer patients who are frail and getting more ill then they are getting better. We are killing these people when they can be healed. And, I believe that we live in a terrible time, because there is an agenda that plays out today by some very sick and evil people in our world that are trying to kill you. They not only want to kill these people, but they want their killing to look unstoppable in the fashion that "this is just the way it is." In other words, Cancer kills people. Cancer doesn't kill people. People are allowing cancer to kill people. Cancer is 100% curable! People just aren't willing to look at the discoveries for themselves rather than just believing in the belly of the beast system that is making people pay for their own deaths essentially buying medications that we don't need over being healed through holistic healing.
Just Watch:
The part that really gets me in, is seeing so many people getting so much relief from their symptoms to where tehy've tried every medical management on the market and are now in tears because of the relief that medical marijuana is giving these people. Tears of joy, because they've been through so much pain. And, the medical professional doesn't want to tell people, and even in classes for being a medical professional doesn't want to show people this information is because it wants to protect the things that make these people money. Money is the downfall here where curing people could be 100% free, and safe to do, they aren't telling these people this information in the first place so that people don't even know it. It's a complete sham of a system that tells you they care about you, that doesn't care at all about you, rather they care about their end game, and that end game all comes down to money. It's truly sad.
debería ser legal en todo el mundo
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"Cancer is 100% curable! " I'm sorry, but, with respect, that's bullshit. Speaking as a 14-year prostate cancer patient/survivor, AND a senior who uses 18% THC oil for pain control, I think making such claims is duplicitous. Marijuana has proven itself as an effective medical drug, and that's great, but curing cancer is not one of its accomplishments. There are hundreds of cancers, and they are not all the same, nor can all of them be cured. Some are far more dangerous than others, and their causes, if known, are not all the same. Blanket statements like that are, at best, highly misleading.
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You're taking a possibility and making it impossible... I don't think that you are using the full potential of marijuana to cure cancer. So, I'm sorry... I'm not a cancer patient, but I think it was created for profit, and I think that people can cure 100% cancer from the body, and will continue to fight for what I feel is 100% holistic healing of the mind and body, and do still believe that cancer is 100% curable.
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Mind you, I don't think that we have the fullest understanding yet of our own minds, and don't think that blanketing the idea that it is effective to "control" rather than to "cure." What you believe is possible, and I believe in God, in that the Bible says nothing is impossible with God.
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