What's Actually Making Us Sick And Causing Disease?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


...Everything!....Uh, let me explain.

For the past couple years, my wife and I have been on a constant journey learning all we can and compiling what we watch and learn to try to figure out how to live healthy lives.

Some days after watching a documentary with startling new research information you are left feeling very conflicted and unsure of how to proceed regarding what foods to eat, who to trust, when to exercise, how to exercise, how much sleep to get, what products you should and shouldn't use etc.

In order to answer any of these questions, you first have to understand that all of these information sources whether from the government (generally snakish and bad) or private sources (better but sometimes equally as bad) are compelled in some way to say what they say. Heck some of them may even get killed if they slip up and tell a truth that is not supposed to be said to the public!

We have watched documentaries and read reports on everything from gluten to manufactured meat industries, keto diets, alcohol epidemics, opioid crisis', diabetes, cancer and vitamin b 17, chemtrails, parabens, you name it. There is one thing that all of these different informational pushes has in common....


No matter which method of achieving nutrition is seen by the general population, there's always a profit made from manipulating the people's minds into buying something or some program, eating more of a certain food told to you by a documentary with sponsors who sell that food. It's disgusting what our world has turned into.

Why is the American Heart Association telling people not to eat red meat, yet providing a whole beef recipes section on their healthy eating site??

Why did we have a huge push to eat low fat products in the early 90s but a documentary proved the government stored the fat in warehouses and added it back into cheeses over the following years and paid millions to market cheese products through huge companies like Kraft?? Double dipping the pockets?

How can you have an internationally renowned natural health guru like David Avocado Wolf doing studies that prove coconut oil has many health benefits and then just recently a government supported article comes out stating that it is dangerous?

Why is it that the first thing a diabetes specialist looks to control is your sugar levels and Carbohydrate intake, but we have a doctor swearing on his kids lives on camera that diabetes goes down when meat intake is restricted and carbohydrates are increased?


Is it all just meant to confuse the mass population so we are able to be swayed whichever way by whoever has the power so they can make the most money off us?

In the end the queston still remains, how can we ACTUALLY live healthy?

The answer is not as simple as eating only a certain thing or doing a special workout or following a specific diet. From all of the gathered information we have to date, there are many obvious things that we can do today to become more healthy.

The key to everything in health and nutrition is MODERATION.

We've always heard it no matter which generation we come from. Eat more fruits and vegetables! But, let's look at the WHY for once instead of just plugging our noses and choking down that " ____''.

What do fruits and vegetables have that other food doesn't? The answer is not nutrients, although if we look at it from a nutrients per calorie view only, yes they have more nutrients, but that does not mean other foods are void of nutrients.


The key thing that fruits and vegetables have that other foods do not is an alkalinizing effect. If you remember back to general science class when they taught us about acids and bases, you can begin to understand how alkaline foods affect our health.

When we eat most other foods apart from fruits and vegetables, they cause the PH level of our bodies to lower and become acidic (remember the strongest acids are ph1, ph7 is neutral, and ph14 is extremely basic).

This applies mostly to the PH level of the water inside us, our blood and other internal fluids in our cells. Our bodies are very adaptable and so are constantly working to maintain homeostasis or balance within. The body primarily uses our stores of trace minerals like calcium, zinc etc to neutralize acidic conditions in the cells of our body.

You can see how this may be a primary cause for health conditions like osteoparosis (calcium deficiency), hormonal imbalances in men (zinc deficiency) etc. This is why there is phenomenon of people who consume a lot of milk but have arthritis and brittle bones. Not only is it hard for the human body to absorb the calcium from cows milk, but being an animal product, milk causes an acidic condition in the body as well.

Now, the answer is not to just add in a supplement to provide extra of those nutrients in order to combat the problem unless you are DEFICIENT in your diet. We need to use a more long term solution of lessening the acid creating foods in our diet and increasing the alkalinizing foods, thus, EAT MORE VEGGIES!

Studies have proven that diseases like cancer cannot survive in alkaline conditions and that is why there are stories of people who went vegan beating cancer time and time again.

Let's Talk Meat and Fat... Animal Products

Let's first separate our possible emotional struggles with animal treatment, living conditions etc. Which most health channels seem to lump in with nutritional health. Let's look at the food itself and leave the other subject to a vegan writer. (No disrespect to vegans)

There's a large push to stop eating meat currently. Government organizations and doctors have a seeming campaign against meat, maybe because of its production causing too much environmental impact for the earth or whatever other reason.

Looking at the way meat is manufactured today, the process of large scale production, hormones, antibiotics, feed etc have changed the makeup of the meat we eat. Fat levels have overtaken the hardcore protein muscle part of the cuts, contamination is almost guaranteed and overall, the doctors are right about consuming less of it. They always emphasize PROCESSED products like sausages, bacon, cold cuts etc. that are processed and packaged by money hungry companies. These foods have been proven through scientific testing to be carcinogenic and I completely agree with that. Where I start to disagree with the "masters" of food is on the level of organic, free range, oldskool meat producers who are still farming like they used to 100+ years ago when cancer levels and epidemics were all but non existent.

Is it bad to eat meat? In my educated opinion, not if in moderation and it is of the latter nature.

Food for thought though (haha!), every gram of protein you consume from an animal started out as a plant. See, protein as most people know it from meat is a chained set of amino acids. There are 20 different pieces of which 9 of them your body cannot produce on its own and must get from consumption. Most if not all plant foods do not contain all of the amino acids but your body can assemble complete proteins using the building blocks if provided. A faster way to get full complete proteins is animal products, which are higher in calories and contain more fat.

Is Fat Bad or not?

Quick answer, no!

Long answer, yes if you have too much of it. Remember all things in moderation.

This is why the government can say coconut oil is dangerous because if you eat lots of meat and bread (which turns to sugar and then fat) and then consume coconut oil, you are likely way over your intake limit and then your body cannot process it and thus gets backed up.

Same with sugars, proteins, and any nutrient. If you do not believe me, take too much of any "healthy" nutrient and you will have yourself a health problem. We are just more accustomed to the typical health issues like heart disease from day clogging arteries, diabetes from too much carbs and sugars, etc.

In order to be healthier, you must consider all the aspects of food and nutrition.

What About Exercise?
What About Supplements?
What About hormones ?
What About Chemtrails?
What About Poisons?

What's killing us???

Stay tuned for more insightful health information and tips!

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A lotta seriously good info in here! #thealliance

Gotta spread it!

Many of the same thoughts here. I don't eat as many veggies as I should, but drink a lot of juice. Great article bud, #thealliance approves :)

Thanks, ya I guess it depends on the type of juice like fruits and vegetables thrown through a juicer? Because that is definitely getting health straight to the main veins!

I like the Nakeds and Splash.


It'll set thee free

Very nice post! Air, water then food. A large factor of eating fresh veggies and fruits that never is discussed is that they have active life force still in them. There is much more beneficial bio activity then in processed foods. Distinctly noted, this is the very same life force energy that makes compost better for plants than chemy fertilizers and paying only atention to the N-P-K nutrient levels of "organic" fertilizers. When your food has life in it it brings life to you :)

Loved it bro, keep it up!

Great information in this comment even. Wow!

well, you started a great conversation here :)

The key is moderation in everything! Great write up.

Thanks! Much more to come this is just the beginning of a whole can of worms! We've been at the health stuff for a couple years now

We need more posts like this. I am fascinated by the science behind diet. keep up the great work.

You got it! More to come asap.