Dear Diary: Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Only Every Night Time

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


The wet season had begun and I actually both fear and hate it. I fear the rain because sometimes it rains a lot then the flooring seams and cracks will begin to seep a clear flood water due to they are being filtered naturally by the dirt beneath the ground. So if it would get flooded in our house it means it will be more flooded outside. It is a remorseful situation as well as being so difficult because of my condition.

I also hate the rain because it makes me feel cold and I have to use my blanket so I won't get the shivers. In addition the cold weather just doesn't allow me to perspire so I get to be filled up easily with water or extra fluids so now anything that I intake as my food whether it may be any food and liquids I would absorb it if I don't perspire it will just be an added burden to my breathing.

Both of those factors are affecting me and nothing that I could do but to pray that things will hold out and not get worse for my situation because I have myriad of bodily problems and I am close to being invalid like being bathed by my mother because I literally cannot move around anymore that much because of joint pains and weakness as well as this troublesome breathlessness.

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bro i pray for your good health,

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Brother is the endless gift of rain. There is no better grain without rain. So rain is a necessary thing for us. Yes since you are sick so the rain can bring harm for you. So you hate rain. Really it's right. Thank you friend

Hola hijo.
Que Dios te proteja y no permita que se produzcan inundaciones dentro y fuera de tu casa.
Arroparse es una buena opción para subir la temperatura corporal.
De verdad es muy penosa la situación. Dios quiera que tu cuerpo libere líquidos y toxinas por si mismo para no depender únicamente del proceso de dialisis.
Todos cuiden por su salud.

I can understand how disaster rain can be in the village areas :( I hope you all are safe.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Sometimes it is better to feel cold and use the blanket than to be hot and use the fan. I love the rainy season, watching the rain from the window and have a cup of hot tea :)

Yes I agree with you. You have perfectly applied this kids rhyme with your mind. I also prefer rain at night. But at day time it seems boring. But as your situation, it's for health issue. May rain also blessing for you.

sure it is uncomfortable for you, but you must think that everything happens for a reason, and the rain is good because it makes things grow and allows good results to grow ..

Rain always comes with flood and cold and also alot of discomfort and at times diseases and sickness, always use your blanket and make sure that you are soaked with water to prevent cold and fever @cryptopie

Best of luck brother have a nice day.

every life has obstacles and obstacles and limitations in motion but works do not die

@cryptopie hay cosas de las cuales no tenemos control. Aunque te preocupes solo puedes estar atento y planificar un plan de desalojo en el caso de que las lluvias duren mucho tiempo. Orare para que todo esté en orden
@cryptopie there are things of which we have no control. Although worry only you can be aware and plan an eviction plan in the event that the rains last long. Orare you so that everything is in order

Health is Wealth. Dear @cryptopie