If you woke up one morning wearing layers of neglected hygiene and a monstrous aroma, what would be your instant priority? I imagine most would make some effort towards eradicating any overwhelming stenches, not only for the sake of those around you but, maybe more so, for your own sense of comfort, pride and well-being. It is readily accepted that leaving the comfort of your home into the world of work, or even just meandering the streets, without at least scrubbing your teeth and having a wash is unnatural. Some may even spend hours preparing their assembled appearance for their voyage down to the bus stop.
This maintenance of hygiene is fairly natural to me also, as more often than not I wake up with some form of unwanted odor (nothing major of course), yet what intrigues me is our lack of mental maintenance. Wake up smelling sweaty and sour and we bombard our body with products and antidotes, yet wake up in a sour mood and we often do little about it. A stale and unproductive mood won’t stop us from trudging into work.
Though it’s nice to smell good for other people, it is our mood and our mind state that can directly affect those people. Maybe you are thinking “well I don’t have soap and shampoo for my emotions you nut-sack” (hopefully not) but a fundamental part of being human is being well equipped with the tools to become considerate and aware of our own emotions. Just like choosing a fragrance to counteract our smell, we can take procedures to balance our mental state. A foul mood can linger for hours if not days, seeping into everything that surrounds us, so anything we can do consciously to elevate our state is surely worth a try; whether it be an act of forgiveness, or simply some music. If we continually rely on external triggers and factors to shape our emotional structure, we will never progress!
Have a great day and stay blessed!