There is no "healthy aging" and the phrase "healthy aging" should be retired

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

Aging is either a disease in which case it's never "healthy" or it's not a disease. In my personal opinion aging is a disease which specifically robs an individual of good health over the passage of time. So the phrase "healthy aging" creates a deathist frame which promotes the idea that aging is not a disease. If there is a "healthy aging" then what is "unhealthy aging"?

All aging is unhealthy and if aging could be slowed, suspended, or if we develop technology to become ageless, then we would be able to maintain our health indefinitely. Indefinite health and lifespan in my opinion should be one of the primary goals of modern medicine. Preventing aging and disease in my opinion should be a goal.

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wouuwww amazing @dana-edward survive your post interesting and provide interesting information to see and read this is a good post in my opinion.terimakasih have been willing to share in steemit is very useful especially for me and also others.semoga you always succeed in steemit ini.selamat

Aging is not a disease and if course it can be healthy as opposed to unhealthy aging. It depends on how you take care of yourself. Transhumanism is something i would never take part in. I think that is for people who cannot see beyond the physical. We are immortal beings. I cant imagine anything worse than trapping my soul in a a computer.

The brain functions on a chemical-physical level, just as a computer functions on a chemical-physical level.

If you have a soul, it is already trapped in a computer. Only, this computer is an ape-brain computer.

A better computer would be more efficient, and thus, superior. You would very likely enjoy life more.

I am not convinced that i would not be losing something. I have a strong connection to nature and i don't believe i could be fully contaned within a computer.

Computers are nature though.

They are built by natural beings, and function according to the laws of nature.

Good Point. Achieving mortality through computers doesn't make sense to me, though. I don't think death is the end.

Even if your soul leaves this computer it will just end up in another one. Might as well make the one you have the greatest processor that the world has ever seen.

GREAT post :) Thanks for sharing

hey dana, thank you for existing. I have learn so much from your posts. thank you again.

I believe this topic is of interest to everyone and if not it should be. I posted The Certainty of Death, or Is It? a while ago. It is something to consider in the meantime that medicinal technology catches up. It is a place to hang around and wait. I am getting to begin implementing this in my life real soon as well. Stay tuned for more.

ps. I am not leaving this place called earth just yet btw, I am just setting up the logistics for when it does occur.

You can't beat youth. I am closing in on 50 and people always comment that they can't believe how old I am. I exercise often, and try to eat right. Things like eyesight and hearing are starting to feel the effects. As much as I try to stay healthy, I have realized that there are just things out of our control. Genetics plays a big part.

You aren't dying from your disease, you are living with it...until you die from it.

one way or another death will occur, prolonging life means that the longer we can live the more we can CHOOSE the moment of departure.

Death should be voluntary, and that is what science should teach instead of inducing diseases and profiting from them. Think cancer, obesity and diabetes Inc

It's a part of life , being immortal seeems to defeat the purpose of life . It's already written for us and death comes , some at a young age and some older . With aging comes its effects but I actually saw a case of some dead woman coming back to life after 3 months in all bones , they don't bury their people in their culture


I met and interviewed John Furber at SEN 2 in 2005. He is a really cool dude and extremely knowledgeable on aging. I posted your blog on my Google+ Biology of Aging Community (requires Google+ account to see). The John Furber video covers a host of anti-aging topics and I highly recommend it.

I don't know whether you are familiar with the results of the TAME study, but the FDA now agrees with you that "aging is a disease". You may find this article interesting: Aging Is Officially A Disease.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Aging is not necessarily a disease but feeling trapped in a body that doesn't work efficiently or is diseased could be frustrating and cause unnecessary suffering. I've read that aging and disease is only 30% genetic so the rest is attitude and environment and who in their right mind would not want to know how to avoid pain and disease? I'm open minded and have a good imagination and I'm curious to learn more. My brother Dr Jamie Grifo is a famous doctor (look him up) My dad is 93 and he will be receiving a pacemaker tomorrow and my mom is 85 and has a pacemaker. They both still have a lot of spirit and passion for life and very fortunate. I exercise and have fasted since I was 12 after severe scoliosis surgery. I've been aware that my body is a sacred temple since childhood so taking care of it is a privilege. I would like to age gracefully and avoid disease. Upvoting and followed.

at what age should I install a pacemaker? i want to live a long live.

Live healthy and avoid pacemakers! ;)

If there is a "healthy aging" then what is "unhealthy aging"?
. Ageing itself is a degenerative process which means your whole body is declining in reapect to health,

I believe in healthy ageing theory. Honestly there is healthy ageing. And if you wanna be a living testimony, i encourage you to observe the following...

  1. Don’t Smoke
  2. Consume Alcohol in Moderation
  3. Be Physically Active
  4. Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

When you observe the above, you will realise as you age that indeed the theory of healthy ageing is in order

by this logic, we should all be babies...

clearly it's not "all aging is bad"...this is too binary

You're right. Our lifestyles are based on the idea that agis no is normal rather than an illness. Eating for example is one of the things that kills us faster and we think we do it to live. The paradox is insane.

You're goddamn right. Just because aging is inevitable (for now) is no reason for people to pretend and insist that it should be.