1. Treating solar stings
According to experts dermatology (science of skin disease) from America, a moisturizer containing aloe can reduce sunburn skin symptoms.
When used on the skin, this plant is useful to soothe and soothe hot and dry skin.
2. Accelerate Wound Healing
Inside the aloe vera contain anti-flamation substance. This substance can help heal skin problem.
In addition, aloe vera also contains a very powerful antibacterial against infection. Thus, if the aloe vera meat is placed on the wound, then the wound can be healed immediately.
3. Improve immunity
In addition to smeared onto sunburned skin or to the wounded skin, aloe vera can also be consumed, lo, friends.
Usually aloe vera beverage or supplement. The benefit is to help the body in absorbing basic vitamins and minerals. It can also increase our immune system.
4. Reduce Dental Plaque
By drinking pure fresh aloe juice, it is very good to reduce the plaque on the teeth.