Silent Medical killers 5: sedentary lifestyle...

in health •  7 years ago 

A sedentary lifestyle can look justified and you may feel its no man's business how you live but it actually has a lot of consequences.

The inscription on this guy's shirt says 'FRee 2B Me', just lies there eating, drinking and smoking whatever he likes.
Now how does he pay for that, there is increased risk of

  1. Obesity
  2. Hypertension
  3. Diabetes
  4. High blood cholesterol
  5. Cancers (colon, lung, breast etc)
  6. Scoliosis (back problems)
  7. Joint disorders
  8. Derpression
  9. Anxiety
  10. Migraines
  11. Osteoporosis (wasting away of the bones)
    just to mention a few.

Hey, get busy today, always remember to avoid the extremes.

See you soon for more of these

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Doctor oreva ..what can i do to reduce in size. I feel am gaining weight and i dnt feel good with my body shape anymore .

Keep getting fat for me
I am not complaining

Baby, you just perfect for us. Pls feel good about your shape cause is just the perfect shape.

seems ur pals like you the way you
healthy diet and exercise are key anyway

Yeah, you right, inactivity is a silent killer, that's the reason I tend to drop a few blocks to my stop while taking the bus and walk the rest of the distance. I also prefer taking the stairs than elevator, I try to get as much exercise as I can when opportuned. Awesome article :)

nice one
my dear fairy

I heard diabetes is hereditary, if that is the case what can one do to stay away from it if one of your parent has it???

it is hereditary but not in all cases
there is a dietary advice for diabetics and it's not just surgary food but thestarch in most of our diets

Number 11 got me thinking mind to break down doc?

osteoporosis can be likened to a spongy bone
the bone becomes very fragile

10x mahn

hmmm...Health is wealth

Good advice. A sedentary life is a death self sentence. Even Bible acknowledged that exercise is profitable.