Good health can be simple (not necessarily easy)

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

We are bombarded with health information. Through news outlets reporting on the latest study that now concluded the exact opposite of what was reported a short time ago, to all of the health gurus touting the latest breakthroughs, it can all be very overwhelming even for health professional who are wading through the good and bad on daily basis. After a while it all sounds like noise.

Despite the ever increasing amounts of info available to us, I still believe the most powerful health tools are rooted in the basics. When sitting with a new patient I always find it helpful to run through what I consider the basic pillars of good health: Diet/Hydration, Exercise, Sleep, Stress, and Elimination. Based on the patient's report this is a great place to start, by addressing the area that would provide the most significant impact toward improving health. You can take all of the supplements in the world, and if you are doing the basic day to day things to allow your body to be healthy you will likely continue to struggle. These areas aren't silo-ed either, as an improvement in one area and positively impact other areas as illustrated in the graphic below:

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If you ever are unsure of where to begin, I suggest taking an honest look at each of these areas. Assess how well you think you are doing in each area, then choose the area that seems to be the most glaring impediment to being healthier. Then make ONE positive change.

Make a commitment to change one habit or routine and stick with it for 60 days. Studies suggest that it takes about 60 days to create a habit. A habit is when a new routine no longer requires willpower to execute; it then becomes easy as it is now integrated into your daily routine. Incremental change produces huge results over time (productivity tip 101). One item at a time every 60 days may seem like slow progress, but think how you may be improved at the end of a year if you committed to and changed 6 things of your daily routine that improved your health. Then compound that over a few years, you become a new person.

If you are unsure of what to do, here are some suggestions for each category.

Diet/Hydration: stop snacking (your body needs a break from being bathed in insulin), or start your day with 16 oz of water before you put anything else into your body.
Exercise: get up and walk 5 minutes of every hour; (sitting for 8 hours, even if you exercise at another time of day is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes/day as far as negative impact to health)

Sleep: avoid screentime 1 hour before bedtime.

Stress: practice mediation, 8 min per day to start; the headspace app has a nice intro to meditation

Elimination: you gotta poop, its a major pathway for detox; simply focussing on hydration can work wonders (is your pee light yellow?) or add an apple to your daily intake.

I believe there are simple truths in health, we were designed to eat (whole foods), move, sleep, eliminate, and avoid stress (dying). How are you doing?

These are meant to be suggestions. Everyone is unique in their needs. Please do not take this a medical advice, if you have any concerns or a complicated health history, be sure to discuss any lifestyle changes with your physician.

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